Monday, January 17, 2005


alright well talking to everybody i've been thinking a lot.

and then reading Uncle Tom's Cabin where there's this whole discussion about "well both sides think god is on their side" and i'm thinking, "hm maybe i'm over theologizing this..."

and i go to sanctuary, which is a sunday night service at mppc (menlo park presbyterian church) when i'm home. and when i'm here i watch the sermons online because they're really good, i think.

so this evening I watched charley's sermon on salvation. they were doing a series of talks on missing the point. which was fun, and smart. so he goes over the "salvation only means heaven after you die!" and being like, "that is so incomplete... and if that's what salvation is then what am i doing with this earthly life is all i have is a life after death?" (except he says it better) and being like, "what does it mean to be saved?" and i think if you're like, "i'm not sure what lindy's getting at" (hey i don't get it either) then watch it. it's like 35 minutes. go here and scroll down to November 21 (Charley Scandlyn, Salvation). you can click on the video camera to watch it on windows media player.

a note about charley: he is one of the people i most respect. like, up there is my dad, and my mom, and joe ryan who was my mentor for a while (and my small group leader's husband), and my small group leaders. but charley, he is just so smart! and he's not afraid to be like, "hey this is our problem." even, and especially, problems within the church. he even confronts some of them in the talk. my favorite was when in another talk he was like, "don't blame the church for your lack of growth in your relationship with god!" he really forces me to take an honest look at myself and stuff, and i really like this sermon. so do it if you want. or not.

and the blog posts may return to "normal" but maybe not. we'll see. rock it.

1 comment:

Lindy Lois said...

also... from the santa monica tournament- THE FARMERS TAN IS MAKING A COMEBACK!!! awww yeah. not quite the softball sock tan, but it's rocking.

ok. as you were.