Sunday, January 16, 2005

i need words/ as white as sky

this weekend was a tournament in santa monica- soo much fun! I'm tired, beach play really takes it out of you. sprinting on sand... but i got some SWEET bids (diving for the frisbee). ok, so i was just practing throwing and didn't have any in the actual games. but all the same- I rock.

Most of the team partied last night, I was way too tired. but consequently, some didn't show up this morning because of their wasted states. One was our captain, ryan. His nickname is "chicken", but, i don't know, I prefer ryan. anyhow he didn't show up this morning so we call him.

"chicken are you coming today?"
"my tires got slashed last night" (he drives a black mustang)
"i'm so sorry!"
"yeah, well... these things happen..."

um, NO THEY DON'T. or rather, they don't outside the ghetto. At least we're now in the 'sc state of mind. fight on?

We later decided to bury ashley in sand. Not lying down, though, oh no. We're going to bury her in sand vertically. And not by digging a hole either, but by piling sand on her. It took... an hour? more? At least we're goal-oriented... we decided to bury her vertically and we came through! But now it's shower time. homework time? we'll see.

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