Friday, December 17, 2004

Some things that are going on:

because... you should know.

#1: Over break, I'm babysitting these wonderful adorable twins. They're technically four months old, but they were born prematurely. Developmentally, they're about two months old. Anyhow, actually I just help their mom all day. Twins is a hassle. Plus, they can't play with toys. Nothing amuses them yet, they have to be held/bounced/fed/changed all the time! But they are adorable, and today they had the hiccups, which are like mini-convulsions for them. awwww. but ca-ching also. Not in the sense of I feel bad for how much they're paying me, but that it's like three or four hours every day for most days, so consistency. Anyhow, what does that matter except that I can actually buy christmas presents this year. At least, for my family.

#2: Greg asked out this girl. I don't know what to do. Because he did ask for my approval (but not permission- strike 1!)... but my mom says he's too young to "do the couples thing" but I won't start on that. I promise. Really. Stopping now... new thing!

#3: I want to go to Monterey. For the day. Because it's fun and chill. Aquarium, Cannery Row, beachness. Yes, when I get back from New York I'm taking a day trip to Monterey. I was looking online at all the cool things I can do. I was on the Monterey Bay Aquarium website, watching to otter cam (my namesake, after all!). Then... I decided to switch to the Shark Cam. Now, for those of you new to Lindy, I am deathly afraid of sharks. A previous post you may notice is "#1: sharks" because the underwater TERRORS are my number one fear. Number two is gynecologists, the subject (somewhat) of that post. Anyhow, back to Lindy and her feeble mind. Because tonight, I did not make good decisions. I clicked on the shark cam, and almost peed my pants. They are right above you! They swim up to the camera! THEY ALMOST ATTACKED ME!! Yet I lived to tell the tale. So I will go to the Aquarium, but I will not get near the sharks. Cake or Sharks? Well, I'll have the Cake thank you very much. (That was a reference to Eddie Izzard... yeah...)

#4: He's making a list, checking it twice.... Santa is compulsive.

#5: New York. Ah yes, I should mention this. I am going to New York for Christmas!! Yay!! And there was much rejoicing. I'll try to stay warm... TRY. I'm not sure all that we'll be doing there. We're not going to visit family, just have fun. And be cold. You know, that sort of thing.

#6: I'm tired. My room is messy. I have lots of books to read. I'm not sure about studying in Dublin next year. Maybe I'll have to bite the bullet and do it junior year. which means... no song girls.... *sniffle* They'll get over it. I've researched lots about Dublin and studying at Trinity. Found a program, all that stuff. Logistics- heck yes!!

#7: The Napoleon Dynamite DVD comes out on Tuesday. I am buying like ten copies!! Heck Yes!! I am counting down the days.

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