Tuesday, December 07, 2004

raindrops on roses

these are a few of my favorite things...

#1: I am going to be a song girl. And so i'm enlisting you, readers of my blog, to help me. Call me when you're going to the gym. give me the eeeeevil eye when i'm eating something unhealthy. Please eat the candy my grandma sent me!! This time I'm going all the way. I even registered for a ballet class next semester... but if i have to wear a leotard and tights... well maybe i'm just a wuss- but i'm out of there!

#2: I'm going to study abroad next year, in Dublin. USC doesn't have a program there, which means my scholarship might not cover it. But I'm going to find a program and fight til the bitter end! The Ireland program they have is in Galway, and doesn't have any programs within the University that interest me. Trinity College, Dublin... that would be a dream come true. And all year, one semester isn't going to cut it. I'll work in a cafe as the bestest waitress ever. Why does this appeal to me? who knows... but that's what i'll so. Study, live in a chic apartment, have a gorgeous Irish boyfriend (like in boondocks saints!! i heart those brothers), and work, and have the best time ever. What a great plan. *sigh*

#3: I love Kelly Clarkson. nuff said.

#4: Two boys are fighting over me! Well... sort of. in fact, not really, but just go with it. It's Matias and Alejandro. Alej and I are taking the same econ class next semester...
A: So now, you'll come to lunch with ME, and MATIAS will have to tag along.
M: oh, come on!
A: We're fighting over you.
L: well, not like that...
A: well... we're fighting over your friendship
L: ok. well, you know, I can be friend with both of you. seriously.
Then, I was walking with Mati and Alejandro butted in between us. Competition! And although it's not like that, it's still fun to be fought over, even in the most benign of senses. I'm immature, and it makes me happy that I'm making friends that will fight over me. Although Mati does rugby, so he's always bruised and taped and stuff. In a fight... i don't know.... I'd put my money on Alejandro. let me know what you think. Matias might be more scrappy, though. his rugby nickname is actually Scrappy-Doo... puppy power! gosh i hate that cartoon character. but my nickname for frisbee is Otter... they're hardcore! tearin' apart the sea urchins. my thoughts are so danged random.

#5: KACIE CALHOUN!!!! !!!!!!! more exclamation marks!!!!! So my mom's like, "Kacie Calhoun's at USC" and i'm like, "no! she's not! i can't find her anywhere!" well.... she's a spring admit! and i saw her today when i was going down to get breakfast (yogurt, not a muffin, i'm a song girl now!) I was so excited!!! guys, i haven't seen her since middle school, and she still looks the same (and she's still taller than i am... like all of my friends). She's living in the radisson next semester, and she doesn't drink, and honestly i couldn't be happier! I am so happy I'm finding a friend who doesn't party. a girl friend, i mean. because the whole party atmosphere just turns me off. Of course I still love my friends who party, whether or not they drink. But now we'll be able to hang out, and come from the same place! I don't know if I can express in words how happy I am that she's here. Almost makes a girl not want to study abroad. but no, i will... i am so happy right now! other than finals of course... damn...

#6: whiskers on kittens

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