Saturday, July 31, 2004

Back in Black

Hey y'all... I've been gone... not physically just effort-ly... effortly... way to makeup new words, lindy... anyhow, something of note- i found out who my roommate is! She is Kathleen Gentry Meek, from Dallas, Texas! The middle name at first kind of freaked me out- who would name their child "Gentry"? I thought, "a family with a butler- maybe she'll bring it to school with her!" and i freaked out about how i get all my cool shirts (i.e. the ones i wear, not the nice ones my mom likes) from target, and I haven't bathed in 3 days (fun!) and i don't like using conditioner and I'm just a big nerd. plus she's from dallas... rachel lived in dallas for a while and said it sucked...

I don't know what to expect, so I'm trying to keep an open mind. But a good omen- i got a sink in my double! good times had by all!

But I've actually been physically gone for 3 days (that was the no shower period, i was camping), at TYM camp (chill!! the kids got a comb stuck in my hair and put all this body lotion in my hair- alright!!) and, horror of horrors, i had to leave john home alone. he is 19, almost 20, you'd think he could water flowers. apparently, not. and we're taking care of our friend's toad, dots.... i'm still finding the last of the crickets that got out of the "environment" john made for them... there were 7 new messages on the phone (i'd been gone 48 hours...), dating from an hour after i left to the night before i came home- JOHN LEARN HOW TO... DO SOMETHING! it's pissing me off.

But at least I have a sink in my room. and a roof over my head. and the freakin' awesomest torchier lamp (from target, where else?) for my dorm room. what else could a girl possibly ask for?

Plus i can write off all my ranting to PMS, which should be cropping up in a few days (if it hasn't already... and i think it is rearing its ugly head, based on this entry). bye now.

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