Saturday, July 31, 2004

Do Not Panic

There is no reason to panic. My roomie is nice. End of transmission.

Lindy = Amnesiac

some things i forgot:

#1: of course (of course!) I googled my new roommate, she was her HS valedictorian... okay... maybe i'll get to sharpen her pencils...

#2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD! I think you're 19, and I don't think you read this blog anyhow, but I left a message on your cell phone. i miss you, and i'll talk to you later.

Back in Black

Hey y'all... I've been gone... not physically just effort-ly... effortly... way to makeup new words, lindy... anyhow, something of note- i found out who my roommate is! She is Kathleen Gentry Meek, from Dallas, Texas! The middle name at first kind of freaked me out- who would name their child "Gentry"? I thought, "a family with a butler- maybe she'll bring it to school with her!" and i freaked out about how i get all my cool shirts (i.e. the ones i wear, not the nice ones my mom likes) from target, and I haven't bathed in 3 days (fun!) and i don't like using conditioner and I'm just a big nerd. plus she's from dallas... rachel lived in dallas for a while and said it sucked...

I don't know what to expect, so I'm trying to keep an open mind. But a good omen- i got a sink in my double! good times had by all!

But I've actually been physically gone for 3 days (that was the no shower period, i was camping), at TYM camp (chill!! the kids got a comb stuck in my hair and put all this body lotion in my hair- alright!!) and, horror of horrors, i had to leave john home alone. he is 19, almost 20, you'd think he could water flowers. apparently, not. and we're taking care of our friend's toad, dots.... i'm still finding the last of the crickets that got out of the "environment" john made for them... there were 7 new messages on the phone (i'd been gone 48 hours...), dating from an hour after i left to the night before i came home- JOHN LEARN HOW TO... DO SOMETHING! it's pissing me off.

But at least I have a sink in my room. and a roof over my head. and the freakin' awesomest torchier lamp (from target, where else?) for my dorm room. what else could a girl possibly ask for?

Plus i can write off all my ranting to PMS, which should be cropping up in a few days (if it hasn't already... and i think it is rearing its ugly head, based on this entry). bye now.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Kaiser Soze

Is that how you spell it?
I had a great birthday... reading, presents, new furniture for the family room (I was the first to eat on it!!! mwahahahaha!) Then to the staff softball game- fun times (except they lost, oh well) We partied till the break of 8:45 pm. My brother got me a lottery ticket- and I definitely won $25!! So i took my winnings and rented "The Usual Suspects"- quite possibly the best "first-time-watching-it" movies ever, and it's still good (but not GREAT! and those of you who have seen it know what i'm talking about) the second time. I was watching it with Jenna, who somehow figured it out!!! She must be really smart!! I was amazed. maybe I dropped too many hints, so I'll just shut up now in case I'm giving something away. But any of you reading this who haven't seen it, get over here (my house) RIGHT NOW! and watch it. I have it until next tuesday.
I also got "Lost in Translation" and "Johnny English" for my birthday- wonderful movies! wonderful! rowan atkinson= comedy genuis/stud and that's all there is to it. Well, gym time (ugh....) see y'all later!

Monday, July 19, 2004

Move over, Tammy!

Move over Magic Tan there is a new man in my life! And he goes by the name... Tommy Transportation. The USC Dept. of Transportation was kind enough to send us frosh a video about transportation on campus. But hell if I know how to take a tram or pay a parking ticket... I was busy watching Tommy Transportation... who is SMOKIN'! The DVD was narrated by "a porn star voice"....
But it was great. a true cinematic gem. Except sometimes Tammy Transportation goes around with him... b*tch... she's not good enough for him! Brooke and I are going to be stalkers (or start a fan club) We checked in the Credits- his name is Eric! well, it'll have to do... But Tommy Transportation, I'm telling you, it's good times! Tammy can bite me. He's so dreamy!!! And in the menu he gets nervous if you don't pick a transportation mode to learn about. and he keeps pointing... and during the movie he doesn't speak (leave that to the narrator), finally he leaves (HORROR!) and then he comes back.... and HE SPEAKS!!! He says (in a low voice.... that fox!), "the menu's over... i'm going home..." TAKE ME WITH YOU TOMMY TRANSPORTATION! Well, I'm in love. truly madly deeply, just like savage garden. I have to take my little brother to camp now, more later!!
p.s. happy birthday to me!

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Seduced part 2

Sorry, I posted prematurely. I was jumping' the gun! I forget the other ways I've been seduced. probably bc I didn't notice it. YET!
My dad is convinced somebody stole his garbage can. It's a ward waste bin. a big one, it's heavy duty. expect it soon in the police blotter
200 Block Greenoaks: Garbage can ("YARD WASTE BIN!") reported stolen. raccoons questioned. no suspects identified in robbery.
We first thought about gilbert, our evil quasi-neighbor (he's across the street) He watches us, especially when we're having parties. he's old and drives a jaguar and a porsche. He even leaves the lights on. so sometime i'll wave and he'll leave (i.e. move to another room and not leave the lights on) But my dad has theories. And when we drive down the street, everyone has the same yard waste bin bc they're provided by the city of atherton, we say, "that bastard! There's the culprit! there's your trashcan!" He'll survive.
I love lionel richie. really. and neil diamond. my parents have their cd's. and it's SOOOOO catchy, so when i'm in an elevator, a dentists office, any non-nordstrom's department store, i just hum away! man it's great. and man it's a post like this that made me stop blogging in the first place...
I saw 'A Cinderella Story'- it's slow but i'll give you a clue- they hook up. (freakin' finally!) But the soundtrack is good at least. wait until it comes to blockbuster.
I'm watching 'Rat Race' now- definitely one of my favorite movies! They just stopped at the "Barbie" museum (this museum is dedicated to the memory of the Klauss Barbie few knew. Husband, devoted father, and three time ballroom dancing champion) Now Amy Smart is trying to kill her boyfriend. But my favorite line has already happened (Ooh Good job, nick! I think nick should be our captain!) Yeah, just see it. i love it.
See y'all later.


How have I been seduced? Let me count the ways...
First off, I swore off this blog until mid-August but due to overwhelming popular sentiment (3 comments- that's TWO more people than I thought read this blog in the first place!) I am posting anew!
I furthermore bought new brown vans, which i love. was is worht it? probably not, but i love 'em.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The End of the Beginning

I've decided to temporarily discontinue my blog.

I read over it and think, "I seem shallow. I seem prideful. ewww"

I intended this to be a "people can get lindy-updates because I'll be in college"

so until that time (August 18th) this blog is discontinued.

now go cry your selfish tears and wait until august 18th

Lindy L.

Monday, July 12, 2004


I am seventeen. But I will only be seventeen for one more week. What to do... I feel almost desperate. I'm SEVENTEEN! daring! young! yet 'old'/'mature'... and soon i'll be 18, which means I have to take responsibility and become a useful member of society. cogs in a machine... yeah that's a shoutout to mr. mitchell. part of me is sad. i have never kissed a boy. like real not-my-brother boy. and i'm going to be eighteen- i need to take responsibility! i'm 17, it's ok if i've never kissed a boy. but when i'm 18, i have to become a useful member of society, probably reproduce, and usually you kiss a guy first. i have to take responsibility- what's wrong with me that i've never kissed a boy?! well i don't care now, but in a week i will care. I'll be legal- it seems somehow 'illegal'/ exciting to kiss a boy within the next week. and after that, well, i should have just done it sooner. bc i'll be 18. and have virgin lips. eighteen... can anybody tell me what it's like on the other side? I'm scared. Well it's late and the house is dark, that might be part of it. and it's that time of the month- that's always a good excuse.

actually, there are 2 times of the month. there's #1: i cut somebody off I'm going to cry now/ PMS time, then there's #2: WHY THE HELL WAS I BORN A GIRL!? THE NEXT TAMPON I SEE I'M GOING TO- that time of the month. combined they take up like half of the month. dang. i knew there was a reason why i'm pissy all the time!

I've had my guitar for exactly a month today. my fingers are nice and callousy. i'm going to find some more indigo girls tabs and learn something. actually their stuff is hard, i'll find some liz phair or something. i love women artists. even a bad girl cd is better than a mediocre guy cd. john says that's because i'm a lesbian, which i am not (although that would explain the aforementioned and as of yet unresolved virgin lips issue...) but i do love my indigo girls. and i love my guitar. i dropped my capo (clamy thing, used to change the key of the guitar) in my guitar today. i am so freaking clumsy when it comes to guitar stuff. But when I drop a pick in I can jiggle the guitar around until it comes out. not the same with a hunk of metal, rubber, and a spring! I almost had a hernia, luckily though my mom fished it out. phew. this is probably the most boring blog ever. well screw you, too. i'm going to bed. night. i'm sure there was something else i had to say... well i'll take it with me to the grave i guess. bye now.

Eye of the Tiger

I went dorm room shopping, it will probably be the highlight of my... summer... I got a torchier lamp (with five heads! like that monster in hercules!) It's pretty janky (from target), but it rocks. and a fan... and a new phone! It's so exciting- it has changeable face plates (neutral blue/purple, piss green, or nauseaous orange, take your pick!) and downloadable rings! freakin' awesome! My new ring is the Rocky theme song! I also have lady marmalade, just in case. and 007. Unfortunately, it's not "Eye of the Tiger", it's the (this is difficult) "du du-du-du du-du-du du-du-du du du du-du-du du-du-du du-du-du..." ok this is hard. either you know it or you don't. and i do so hahaha. So that's all the news for like two days.

Oh, and I dropped my History of Mexico class to take a Physics one. What is wrong with me??? nothing.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

fourteen carat mind

I have to get extra long sheets for my dorm bed. Thankfully, Pottery Barn Teen (yes there is such a thing... I get the catalog...) has multitudes of extra long sheets.

My personal favorite is the cheetah print. Imagine, I roll up to New (my dorm, it smells bad) with pink and green cheetah print sheets. I'll look like I just came out of a Disney Channel Original Movie... speaking of DCOM's, I can't wait to see the new Hilary Duff movie. It is going to be so cheesy, but SO good! Usually I take my little brother to see movies with me so my parents pay (thinking like a college student already!), such will probably not be the case with "A Cinderella Story"... dang... Anyhow, back to choosing sheets, going college dorm room shopping, thinking about Magic Tan. I pretend we should just be friends because I'm leaving for college in a month (month!!! ahhhh!!!) but try as i might (and i do try, really) my self-hypnotism isn't working! I need to admit that I have a crush... on a boy... and I can't shake it until... actually I don't know, probably when I get to college. I'm going to target, then I'll practice guitar, then I'll go to church. Then I'll pout about the day I wasted.


Has it ever occured to Freddy, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby that if they just fixed the Mystery Machine, their problems would be solved? No more, "oh no! the batteries dead! (sic: AGAIN!) We'll have to go to that creepy haunted house for the night" Daphne and Freddy also need to hook up. Yes, it's that time of the month. So I get worked up about cartoon romance (i.e. lack of)

But on another note, I saw one of my favorite comercials ever today, the pepsi one where the guy is dumped: "She took my appetite and my ability to love!" and the waitress gives him a pepsi and he is blinded by love and there's a scene of them frolicking and it goes back to the diner and the waitress says, "What's that you said about my eyes again... player?" oh hahahahaha. It's better on TV. So get off your butt at the computer and set it down on the sofa!

Poll: should I go to the beach for my birthday (beach at sunset, not during the day) or to a giants game (july 21st vs. the padres... enticing). or both. or neither, I could go to chuck e. cheese. Sanctuary is tonight, I will see YOU there.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

This is addicting. I promise I'll only write when I have something interesting/ noteworthy to say.

don't hold your breath.

Blog Post the first

I am Lindy. And this is my blog. More to come later.