Friday, July 27, 2007

muvva natuwe's cwyin'

so not catchy... yet can't stop watching...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

pearls on a string

hold on to your user interfaces, I'm gonna use some big techy words to make myself feel better.

I am learning how to use Breeze, which is essentially dubbing over a powerpoint presentation so your voice and slide transitions and animations are in sync. And I have USC webspace, so I was planning to put one or two up there for your viewing pleasure. So tonight I downloaded the VPN Client and FTP Client, and did some configure (click 'yes') stuff so now the embarassing poorly made assignments from my webpage class are not online anymore. wow yay! I am so techy! And I went to the gym today! I should reward myself... with SLEEP

VPN Client = how I connect to the USC server from off site (I'm pretty sure I need it for the...)
FTP Client = File Transfer Program Client. How I get files from my computer to the USC server and I tell it where to put them so I can give you the u.r.l. and you can be AMAZED. wowzers.

Monday, July 23, 2007

like o, like h

oh yes, now I remember. I had a birthday last week! it was delightful and many cards and presents came in the mail. catherine and i went out to lunch and the maddoxes got me a SHIRT WITH THOSE COW PICTURE ON IT. like, the ones of ME! I'm going to wear it forever (but it's in my laundry hamper/bag now). I got red wine with fajitas. bad move. but then again, I'm just learning

the dicks came down from peru to take me out to dinner- and grandma came (christmas miracle)! I got a beer, asked to be carded but wasn't. I must look too truthful and too LEGAL. it was all wonderful and fun. there are pictures on facebook (but not in my albums so you have to be on facebook to see them. but facebook isn't just for pedophiles like myspace, so you can join).

this weekend I was with the dicks again- we went to a baseball game!! I got a hat that I wore today. I don't get to wear it at work, so I wore it inside the grocery store. but I didn't wear my sunglasses inside- I am improving! Speaking of grocery store, now that I can buy beer I don't want to...

I wanted it so bad before thursday and now that I can have it I don't really care. I have passed 'being a girl 101' with flying colors!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

all eyes on me

more on bday later, but today after work I made a walmart run to get thank-you cards, milk, cereal, that sort of thing. And I was like, "ooooh now I can buy beer if I want!" and I do want.

except they all come in packs and I only want ONE. and you can buy ONE bottle of wine, and ONE bottle of like everything else. but you have a to buy a whole six (at least) pack of beer. And because I couldn't get exactly what I wanted, I didn't get anything. did get some soy milk, though. plain flavor, not vanilla. I like the hard stuff.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

ziggy stardust

omg. 'extras' may be the best show EVER.

"chubby little loser... no, no not chubby little loser... pathetic little fat man!"

Monday, July 16, 2007

let it rain

as with scotland, no one here touches me. and i miss it. i mean touch like hug, or even a high five (but hugs > high fives of course). and i don't run into people I know on campus, of course. the only thing I have to go home to is the fake lilies and vase I got at walmart for my room. i am like a lonely little leper

WHO NEEDS TO FINISH HER DANG PAPER. i'm in the library right now.

even at gma's, the interaction is minimal. actually, her caretakers like to talk a lot and i'm like, "um you make beef stroganoff like it's going out of style. you lost all credibility with me thank you." i'm just bitter probably. once the paper is done I'll feel better I hope.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

heaven's here on earth

Apparently people go to drive-in movies to, in no particular order:

1. make out
2. be able to smoke
3. be able to drink
4. camp out in their truck beds
5. watch jawsome double features

SO WHY ON EARTH DON'T WE HAVE THEM IN C.A.??!?!? people make out and smoke* and drink there!! and some of them own trucks! le sigh.

*except we don't smoke in public because we respect other people. and we do NOT chew tobacco that is so disgusting. blech.

I went to Peru saturday evening for a DOUBLE feature at the drive-in theatre: ratatouille (aww so cute and quotable!) and transformers (fun, lost of 'splosions). I saw the cool reel room, and asked some indiana people to move out of a parking space they had double parked so we could park there. they gave me the eye - I was totally unprepared - I must practice more!! but it was also dusk by then, not as good definition on the evil eye. my evil eye is currently under contruction. it's like pepper spray and knowledge of c.p.r.- you hope you never have to use it, but feel better having it.

I would also like to announce to all the lady folk out there that aren't related to andy, that andy dick is the single most eligible bachelor in indiana, possibly the entire midwest. 2 pieces of evidence:

Exhibit A:
lindy: "I can't hear, can we turn [the speaker for the movie, you get them per car so you don't have to run out your battery listening to the radio broadcast of it] up?"
andy: "just a sec" [returns with little radio with headphones for me since speaker is broken]
lindy: *smile*

Exhibit B:
without any biological sisters, he knew that my placing the chips in his arm means I would like him to roll up the end and put them back in the car. truly incredible, non?

sure he may wear his pants a little high to church - yes andy it's true. i know the shirt's tucked in but it's no excuse! kevin will back me up on this one. but andy dick is a man among boys. a combine among those little john deere lawn mowers. an optimus prime among decepticons, if you will.

Friday, July 13, 2007

my moon my man

am I the only NON-FREAK who uses the greater lafayette bus system?

some man- obviously mentally disturbed- was 'talking' to me today and I couldn't understand him at all but I did make out a 'fertility clinic' and I thought, Can I be uncomfortable or offended if I don't even know what he's saying? But then he got off at a K-mart.

And I'm reading a novel called 'I Know This Much is True' by Wally Lamb (who also wrote 'She's Come Undone', both of which I recommend... he's basically amazing and I love him- or, his books rather) and in it the main character has a schizophrenic brother (identical twin actually) and so I was like, "oooh I need to be sympathetic to this guy and not ignore him" but I mean he was mumbling and sort of scary... what was I supposed to do? I didn't want to just say "yeah... uh huh... I bet" because I have no idea what he's talking about (only clue = creepy = fertility clinic), but I don't want to ask him to repeat himself because really, I don't want to hear about it. whatever 'it' is. I'm glad my fam is good/normal/ok mentally. it's a blessing.

Monday, July 09, 2007

honey honey

Exhibit A: the "Do not write below this line" line

Exhibit B: my mom's public questioning of this line

MY MOM AND I ARE THE SAME PERSON. I've been denying it so far but... sorry. I don't wear my pants a few inches below the armpits yet but, it's undeniable by now. we don't understand that line and aren't afraid of other people's knowing it.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

the execution of all things

I just got back from a long weekend in Atlanta, visiting my high school small group leader miriam and her husband joe and baby ellie. and dog ace, whom I called a 'she' the entire time even though he's a boy- oops. I also called him 'scout'. oh well.

hmmm... it was delightful, Atlanta's fine but I still want to live in D.C. someday. And live internationally, and maybe in a treehouse. and have a goat farm. And now I'm back in my dorm, drinking some herby tea and listening to sweet tunes, forgetting about the paper I have to write due Tuesday.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

hydrogen initiative

here's what I do today:

measure out gallium
measure and add aluminum
put them in the oven to melt- about 40 minutes
take them out, react with water until fully reacted- about 10 minutes
clean out, pour gallium into another cup
clean out the first cup
dry out gallium in oven- about 5 minutes
react and clean out the gallium again
pour gallium into clean cup
put gallium in oven to dry out

repeat ad nauseum.

so in my free time I clean up the hood... read blogs (but always keep a tab open to 'aluminum oxide' or something on wikipedia so I look really smart/not wasting time)... read lots of wikipedia articles... wish they'd return our waste water buckets so I can do other experiments while I'm waiting for the gallium... we really need to start a book club.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

nine million bicycles

so I opened up grandma's browser just now and her homepage is set to msn, who announced that al gore's son was recently arrested for drug possession (marijuana and prescription drugs)- he was driving 100 m.p.h. on a San Diego freeway (which is a feat in and of itself. and while intoxicated? tip of the hat to you, gore jr.)

but what was he driving- a blue prius. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. oh that is just too perfect

Monday, July 02, 2007

spectacular views

I don't mean to sell out but seriously this tea is amazing. It's everything you want in black tea (caffeine, bad ass attitude) without the stuff you don't (the wierd tinny taste). But I also put a little sweetener in it, to be fair.

I made myself a picnic (spinach-green pepper-bacon bits-italian dressing salad; banana; this tea) and brought my "get fuzzy" book (it's a hilarious comic strip) across the street and sat at a picnic table reading, eating, watching the sky as the sun set. It was glorious. phase 2: have friends to do this with.

Lab didn't go so well today- I feel like I take 3 times as long as anyone else to do something, even though I have no one else to compare myself to. I made this alloy that won't even react now (usually it gets really hot and bubbly, etc. now- nothing, unless I heat up the water). I printed out some digital pictures at walmart (oh walmart, midwest mecca) to put in my office at birck (this cool building)- yeah I have an office I don't use very much, that's how big time I am. Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll get some good data. Post that in my office, too. I'll have tours.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


so here's some sweet pictures

this is me contemplating cows, and how smelly they are (but seriously)

this is me with some cows

no evidence of the 'ear incident' but... it happened. and it was scary. hopefully that cow (and the one we dehorned, and the um... other one we worked on) are ok.