Monday, May 28, 2007

accordeur chromatique

i dyed my hair brown this weekend. i was tired of blonde (dirty ashy blonde, of course. i walk true). this is what it looks like:

some people (JOHN, WTF) haven't noticed, brooke basically fell out of her chair when she saw me. and she knew it was coming! unfortunately, I spilled quite a bit on my sink and couldn't clean it up. the hardware store was closed on sunday (the day after I dyed it), so I got some acetone from the beauty supply store- this did not help (even after soaking, etc.) the beauty (i.e. CHEMICALS) supply store doesn't sell any chlorine-based solutions, which was my mom's next guess. oh well. my sink and surrounding tile will have natural-looking 100% grey coverage glistening color for the next six weeks. provided we use the conditioner, of course.

brooke and i drove home today. I came back to a house full of the europe-as-a-setting movies I got for my fam to prepare for their trip. They watched (and disliked) 'gigi' and 'death in venice'. I'd also gotten 'a room with a view', and the french connection (yes, I know it's in new york, but i've never seen it and it does have 'french' in the title... plus i want to watch an action movie). pushed by my castilleja liberal arts education, I swooned over 'room with a view' until they would watch it with me.

we must all fall in love with george emerson, even though he's a wierdo. can i get an amen? (maddoxes i'm looking at you on this one)


Catherine said...

You should try "Amelie" or "An American in Paris" or "Roman Holiday".

Unknown said...

In my defense, I saw you at night, so it was hard to tell your hair color. Of course I am like a foot taller than you, so it should have been obvious. My bad