Monday, January 29, 2007

security envelopes

true story: i joined a sorority, Alpha Delta Chi. I got cute outfits (well, 2 of them. that still counts as plural) for monday night dinners. and I did deliveries (you can sent stuff to people in other frats/sororities) since I'm a pledge, and wore this totally hot dress and no one complimented me on it. wtf.

sorry. i don't mean to be materialistic or something... but I was thinking I looked like a million bucks and no one else mentioned it. *le self-centered pout*


lynnfredd said...

my guess is they were stunned speechless by your hotness.

Andy said...

lindy... greek?

Anne said...

I think you will enjoy the experiences - both good and bad. Your mom and I were sorority girls, and look how great we turned out!

Lise M. said...

people NEVER complement you on what you hope they will - I went to a funeral in a new dress and got complemented instead on how beautiful my SILVER hair looked! Just remember how you felt when it's time to GIVE a complement...It's so easy to make someone feel so good about themselves and costs us absolutely NOTHING!

And I think YOU are beautiful everyday! Keep us informed about your Greek's been a LONG time since I was there, and I'm sure USC's system is different than Purdue's.