Thursday, January 11, 2007


i just got dumped. for the first time. it hurts. i logged on to facebook and it told me that greg liggett went from "single" to "in a relationship" at which time i was like, "huh that's funny we're married"

nope. now he's "in a relationship" with this girl from sacred heart. I CAN'T COMPETE WITH THAT!!! but she friended me before i could friend her, so i like her already. there's this option where you can say how you know this person and i usually fill it with lies (ex: brooke and i hooked up in 1974, and lived together in antarctica, that sort of thing) but then (PROGRESS!!) i was like, "wait. wait wait. maybe i don't want to scare her off?"

but it still hurts inside. he didn't even let me know, i found out for myself. it burns. i'd eat ice cream if i had any/if i were actually hungry. le sigh.

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