Monday, January 15, 2007

paloma street

long weekend!!! woot!!!

mine started on friday since i have no classes. i went to breakfast with brooke, took john some lunch (chili b/c it has been super cold. like 50 you guys, seriously what's going on), went to coffee with meredith, then to an optional lab (which didn't happen b/c i can't read class schedules) because i don't understand computers. more specifically, how to use them. this is for the class the professor said would be the easiest (computer-aided analyses) but I'm not used to design interfaces- I don't even use photoshop- so I'm pretty slow right now. then i went to bed at like 8. sweet.

saturday!! we went to the farmer's market in victory park in pasadena. we = me, brooke, kristin, allie. we bought pumpkin bread and olive oil and hummus w/ pita!! and we tried LOTS of free samples. mmm asian pear... then we had a picnic in the grassy median of sierra madres boulevard and ate our pita with hummus and some pumpkin bread. we went to the gamble house (where john lives), ate the rest of our pumpkin bread with him, and he got us on a tour with a tourguide who, i am convinced, is physically in love with the house. "oh and my favorite part of this room is, as you can see, this beam flows down with the straight-curve-straight pattern of the house to the supporting beams, out to the windows..." I can't really emulate her in type, but she was scary. scary well-informed!! she knew a lot.

then we went to old town pasadena and hung out and went to 21 choices (best fro yo ever) and I got a tea infuser and a spoon rest (a valentines one!!). Oh yes, valentines stuff is out. at starbucks, in old town, especially in my HEART. my fave holiday you guys. i'm very psyched. then we came home and i went to the hardware store!!! oooh fun!! i got weather stripping tape (which i have yet to put up), a space heater (which is my new best friend), and I tried to get some polyurethane. We need it to seal one of kristin's art projects which is a metal towel rack. and after a long discussion with hardware store man, we decided that a polyurethane designed for wood, though it wouldn't harm a metal, was designed for a porous material and therefore wouldn't work very well (or, at all) on a metal. i see a home depot in my future. I came home, plugged in the space heater... and i went to bed at like 9.

sunday! woke up, went to shoreline church in west los angeles. fabulous. i will probably be going back. kristin and i saw some friends there, so we went out to lunch at beverly center (c.p.k., not mall food, don't worry) with the express purpose of going to h&m afterwards. no we're not shallow. but we're not eurotrash either. came home, hung out for a while, watched e! news weekend (golden globes today!), then went out with brice and some friends to bel air pres. john came (!!!!) and we went to diddy reise afterwards which, even though it was cold, was amazing. 2 cookies + 1 ice cream in the middle + carton of milk = $1.60

came home. went to bed. now it's monday- yay m.l.k.!! we're doing laundry, and HOMEWORK (the caps are just for me to remind myself that i actually have to do it). and rush. i'll write about that later this post is long. and since it starts today i have nothing to write anyhow. sort of. whatever i'll post later. but here's some pics since all the cool blogs have them.

... ok well blogger says i can't. i'm sorry. later guys.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Umm, if you think 50 is cold, then I don't think you would survive in Iowa. The current temperature: 0.