Monday, March 06, 2006

darn that dream

i'm going to learn german. yep, then i'm going to go to germany.

but first... i have to make a webpage for my h.t.m.l. class (i.t.p. 104a), what should it be about?
current ballot:
- ferrets
- kristin's art
- my art?

let me know.


Meredith Cooper said...

my friend had a ferret once. it smelled.

your page should be about germany and all of it's fabulousness :)

Lindy Lois said...

not to, uh, pursue the bare minimum here or anything... but i'm hoping to write a webpage about stuff i already know. i mean, i'm going to spend some time making the graphics and all that, i don't need to worry about doing research, too...

fictitious germany, perhaps? the one i totally make up as I go along?

Meredith Cooper said...

you've already got a couple of lines down...

Es wird fabelhaft!!
