Monday, October 31, 2005

potty mouth/mind

ok. today we did a lab in materials science entitled "hardness characterization". The following words can be found many times in the lab manual, and in my lab report:

penetration tool
penetration force

and not one giggle. not one stifled laugh. not even from me!!

well played, boys of engineering. well played indeed.


sorry for the emo back there. whew. happy halloween!! and now i'm gonna study.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


i have to write a resume for a job application, and i'm realizing that all the stuff i did in high school doesn't really matter. i was class president, i was althletic rep, i was whatever this that and the other that reflect my person.

and i don't feel good that i have no college-y things to put on it other than interning this past summer, and j.e.p., and i can't put ultimate anymore.

what were you doing last year, lindy?

taking myself too seriously to do anything i really cared about.

somebody asked me today what i want most in life. i realized about 3 minutes ago that it's to be surrounded by love. last year i was surrounded by emptiness with little pieces of myself and my own pride and self-importance floating by. that really sucked. this week i'm surrounded by: a paper, a job application, 2 midterms, a computer program. how am i supposed to work with that?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

i got a new bike, too!

no i did not just watch that tia and tamera mowery movie on disney channel...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

au contraire

i don't really regret the things i didn't do... because i don't know what they are.

but i'm sorry for some of the things i have done. [insert public apology here, especially to maddy]

apology accepted?

this is not a test

a friendly reminder: daylight savings time ends on sunday.

that means we set our clocks back an hour- we gain an hour!! saturday. midnight. you know what to do.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

back in the saddle again

ok, so i sort of lied on the BET one. that stuff happened to my roommate. but, you know, dramatic effect. whatever. the l.a.p.d. one is my crowning acheivement.


My name is Lindy, I'm a tenant in an apartment building directly across from the Shrine Auditorium where you held BET 25 Strong earlier this evening. First, let me say I prefer this awards show so much more over the Emmy's simply because you were more respectful of those who live around the Shrine. For instance, I could still take Shrine Place to get to campus (I'm a student at USC) even while most of the set up was taking place. Thank you so much for that, I cannot say the same for the Emmy's or other large events.

However, you did not inform the neighbors about street closures. Street closures are extremely inconvenient for us, but what is even worse is that fact that we don't know about it. I, along with others, are happy to rearrange our schedules for one or two nights to fit your schedule. But when I arrived at my apartment about a half an hour ago - or rather, tried to - I was forced to park much farther away from campus and walk to my apartment. The police officer on duty told me I would only be able to access my parking structure after 1 a.m. I do not need to remind you about the neighborhood around USC, suffice to say I do not enjoy walking alone late at night. However, the point is that you must inform neighbors about street closures.

I'm very disappointed that you have reserved part of the LAPD to help ensure that your even goes smoothly, but do not tell the neighbors that their evenings may be extremely inconvenienced or interrupted by the discovery that we can't get back to our homes. Please remedy this, and be an example for other awards shows and events at the Shrine. I would also like a courtesy email or phone call letting me know you've received and processed this letter.

Thank you very much,
Lindy Liggett
[my phone number, which i don't really want to put online]


My name is Lindy, I'm a student at USC, tenant of an apartment across from the Shrine Auditorium, and unfortunate victim of street closures. Or rather, unfortunate victim of not knowing about these street closures.

I understand that street closures are necessary for many public events such as awards shows or marathons. But respect for those affected is also imperative. I, my roommates, and those who live around me, are willing to rearrange our schedules if we know certain streets will be closed. However, no one informs us, and I feel that you - as enforcers of these street closures - also assume the responsibility of informing neighbors. I also feel that students and neighbors would be more respectful of your officers if we knew about the street closures in advance.

Most importantly, I feel very disrespected and disregarded when I discover that I can't return to my apartment. Either you or the organization putting on the event (Emmy's, BET, vh1, etc.) must inform neighbors about street closures. Please send me a courtesy e-mail or phone call to verify that you have received and processed this letter.

Thank you very much,
Lindy Liggett
[phone number]

white entertainment television

the BET awards are going on. i think. i thought they were on nov. 1 but there's all these limos and black people outside. which makes me think... it's right now. (sorry if the 'black people' offended someone. there are also white people, like me walking back to my apartment, or security people. or staff possibly.)

but it's not too bad. the emmy's blocked off the street for like a week beforehand and a week after the awards. which was wretched. BET just began setting stuff up on monday and the road was blocked off this afternoon.

but, to be honest, i'd feel a little better about the street's being blocked off if i knew kanye was there. oh, kanye... for reals. kanye, you can block off the street for 2 weeks... all for yourself! i don't even care! all i want is some kanye. SHOW ME THE KANYE!! and then i'll love the BET and their awards forever.

actually, when they were setting up it felt like every G-unit music video had been airlifted and dumped outside my apartment. either that or a large percentage of gang affiliates in the los angeles area. it was intense.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

some things you never get used to

i was in a bad mood.

then i was in a foul-ass mood.

then i went to bible study.

then i went to a.g.o.

and now i'm feeling a little better. so i'm going to the library.

Monday, October 24, 2005

39 1/2 foot pole

i just got an email from my j.e.p. p.a. that wrote my name as... drum roll please... LINDSAY LIGGIT.

i am going to go crazy. seriously. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN??? i write my own name on all my journals, at least use the name printed when you get an email from me!!

right now i'm on edge and totally pissed off, but i'm also so lethargic and depressed. and i don't get it. p.m.s.? first trimester of a virgin birth? what's up with me? i don't get it. i'm gonna go eat some more cookie dough and journal about it. like the fatso soon-to-be-cat-lady that i am (p.s. i hate cats)

rational is my middle name

they made me take off my shoes and belt to go through the metal detector at s.j.c. so i didn't put them back on. and walked around shoeless and probably flashing people in silent protest!

then i was talking to perky on the phone and admitted that i have been wearing the same clothes for the past 48 hours or so. the girl in the seat next to me slowly moved away...

Sunday, October 23, 2005


before i left i told brooke i'd bring her back something you can only find in northern california. my mom told me i should bring "dead grass because southern california is taking all of our water." touche, mom. but i was actually thinking of bringing her something frilly and overpriced from draeger's.

EDIT: i then asked john what he thought i should get. he promptly replied "class". ba-ZING!

then i decided i'd get her a "save kepler's" t-shirt or something. And i never thought i'd speak against kepler's, but i went there to look around and find said t-shirt. there is in fact a t-shirt. and it says: "Follow me to Kepler's. Our bookstore." and it was $35.

no wonder they're in and out of business. elitest turds.

Friday, October 21, 2005

god bless

dear a.g.o.,

i love you.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

snot rocket

scouter and i walked back from campus (we live in the same apartment building). he told me all about calc 2 and integrating by parts and stuff. then he stuck his earbuds (from ipod) up his nose, and told me that if he plugged his ears, he could actually hear the music.

so now i'm in my room, still a little skeptical, slightly amused, and thoroughly disgusted.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

boom dee-ada

i love the mountains
i love the rolling hills
i love the daisies

it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be! i'd even say i enjoyed it! whoa.

Monday, October 17, 2005

"I Feel Pretty" (West Side Story)

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me today.

I feel charming,
Oh, so charming--
It's alarming how charming I feel,
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real.

See the pretty girl in that mirror there:
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning
And entrancing--
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy!

[Rosalia, Consuelo, Francisca]
Have you met my good friend Maria,
The craziest girl on the block?
You'll know her the minuete you see her--
She's the one who is in an advanced
State of shock.

She thinks she's in love.
She thinks she's in Spain.
She isn't in love,
She's merely insane.

It must be the heat
Or some rare disease
Or too much to eaet,
Or maybe it's fleas.

Keep away fom her--
Send for Chino!
This is not the Maria
We know!

Modest and pure,
Polite and refined,
Well-bred and mature,
And out of her mind!

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty
That the city should give me its key.
A committee
Should be organized to honor me.

I feel dizzy,
I feel sunny,
I feel fizzy and funny and fine,
And so pretty,
Miss American can just resign!

See the pretty girl in that mirror there:

[Rosalia, Consuelo, Francisca]
What mirror where?

Who can that attractive girl be?

[Rosalia, Consuelo, Francisca]
Which? What? Where? Whom?

Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning
And entrancing--
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy!

not as if it's true... but i can still sing along!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

a million miles away

I [Jesus] am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in my that bears no fruit, while every branch in me that bears fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful

John 15: 1-2

And that's when I realized I'm trying so desperately to cling onto branches of my life that God is pruning. I'm carrying around these dead branches while God says, "You are bearing new fruit now. You are showing my love in a different way now. That branch was last year, now I want you to have a new branch, and a new fruit." By fruit I mean things that show God's love. Last year it might have been through relationships with people, maybe this year it's doing more volunteer work, or even writing more about God on this blog. I don't have any control over it. I can try to, and go through motions I think I should. But God knows how he's going to use me best.

But it does hurt to have those branches taken from me. One that he's taking is ultimate. And i've been trying to hold onto it, and fighting him for it. And he's been like, "No. I am pruning this, I'm taking it away because now I have something different for you." It hurt a lot, I'm not going to lie. He put me on that team last year for a reason, and I thought I'd be staying longer.

So now I have to tell the team... what I don't want to do is tell them some theology and all about God working in my life. But they do deserve to know why I'm leaving the team. It's not them... it's not even me really... it's God and where he's putting me this year. But I cannot step down and water it down. God is working in me, that's why I joined the team, that's why I'm leaving it. God, please help me know what to say. And be with me whatever happens.

But... for something funnier... this past weekend was Fall Retreat for Quest (Bel Air Presbyterian College Group). They had a talent (funny skit) show on Saturday night. One skit was parodying all the "hip", "new age" worship music. So they made a worship rap (I think... I was pretty tired and can't really remember) and the worship leader was like, "ok, ok, we gonna roll up a fattie of funk and fellowship!" I almost fell off my chair.

Friday, October 14, 2005


today at the end of materials science as we were all packing up our stuff, our professor reminded us we were starting o-chem next week. that's right, organic chemistry.

oh... CHEM.

"o-chem". isn't that the subject i always hear such horrible things about? like crying a gnashing of teeth? when people talk about o-chem, they sound like they're talking about clubbing seals, or imminent doom and destruction, or all of your underwear suddenly being stolen. something horrible. and it's not as if i understand anything of what's going on in chem now. and i'm wondering how (and by 'how' i mean 'if') i'll survive

i don't want to go running back to econ... but... how could it be so wrong when it would feel so good?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

rock out

chick on chick was pretty much awesome. i got nailed with a water balloon right in the crotchal area, and happened to hit the exodus of freshman going to the row when i was walking home... so they all looked at me... THE INCONTINENT SOPHOMORE. yeah well, it could have been worse... it could have been warm. teehee.

quot(ations) of the evening:

[gabe, fondling himself]: "if men had boobs... there would be no war."

[scouter, after popping a water balloon on fonda's chest, and she complained that it was too cold. and he reminded her that he was the one with rubber water balloons rubbing against him]: "yeah well i have nipples, too! THE DOOR SWINGS BOTH WAYS!"

yeah maybe it would funnier if you were there. or if you were a little drunk. that works, too.


so of COURSE i've made my schedule for next semester. i'm all over that like a hobo on a ham sandwich.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

mr. radar

all systems go we're on... LUDICROUS SPEED!

because i have to book it if i'm going to be gone these next two weekends (bel air retreat, santa cruz for f.o.g.) and succeed at... not failing my classes.

i feel very... efficient! and useful! and a total dork about school work!

in completely different news, i'd like to invite you all (read: 3 people who read this godforsaken blog...) to this fall's "CHICK" ON CHICK. that's right. for those of you who like to see the women's ultimate team take on the (wo)men's ultimate team dressed up in skirts, sports bras, and water balloon boobs... YOUR TIME HAS COME!

this thursday! 8 p.m.! and at half time, we're having a jauction! you, too, can buy you very own ultimate player! here are some pictures from last spring, to convince you. yes that is our captain... yes he is in santa lingerie.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


the crazy christian (or just jesus-centered) subculture has taken hold of me, and won't let go.

here are just a few top picks:

1. Christian Satellite Radio (it's always on in my apartment!!! so addicting!)
2. Jesus of the Week
3. Crazy Church Signs (and generator!)
4. this is actually my homepage
5. i don't know that this is about but someone has way too much time on their hands

luckily i'm someone who thinks the above websites are way cool, not disrespectful or hell-bound. i also know i'm a total doofus and really need to get: 1) a life, 2) some work done.

Friday, October 07, 2005

il fornaio

so first off, my dad is AWESOME and you should all be jealous.

[lindy]: holy crap you grew a beard!
[dad]: i know baby, don't you like it?
[lindy]: you look like sean connery in indiana jones!! how long did it take you?
[dad]: TWO DAYS. mom doesn't like it, but she says i can do whatever i want.

actually, he started growing it after we went camping over labor day. so... it's taken him a little longer than two days...

[lindy]: ... but like, john took laura to the steam show (family reunion/vacation thing every summer in indiana)... and now i'm next oldest! i'm next in line. i'm totally letting them (them= extended family) down or something by not having some boyfriend. i'm a total family loser! i'll be old and lonely and bring my cats to the steam show. molly (younger cousin) will totally bring a boyfriend before i do.
[dad]: well, lindy, you shouldn't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to.
[lindy]: i know. i'll get over it.
[dad]: you know what would really make them shut up? BRING A GIRLFRIEND.

but honestly, i know the extended family is ready and waiting. maybe just to prove that i can in fact get a boyfriend, and bring him to indiana. plus this will be the first boyfriend to come (all my older cousins are boys and bring their girlfriends), i'm really excited to see some california guy try to start a tractor (I CAN!!)... hmm i guess i'll wait.

but yeah, we all went to the grove for dinner... and target... and ralph's. and now he's gone. *frown*. i got kleenex with disney woman villians on them! happy freakin' halloween!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

whiter shade of pale

what must be said: dear roomies, please stop drinking my milk.

what i will probably say: who's been drinking my milk? (received by sheepish calcium-rich looks)

what i really want to say: boy howdy, i drink straight out of the carton! i bet a sizeable percentage of that there cow-juice is BACKWASH!!!

then NO ONE would drink my milk!!!

decisions, decisions...

golden rainbow

the good: i got my math midterm fixed.

the bad: i have a midterm today at 4. i haven't studied... and i don't want to.

the ugly: last night when we were coming home from bel air, we saw the cops (the coppers! the fuzz! the heat! the 5-0!) giving a sobriety test to some girl. inge said she looked about 15, and there was DEFINITELY and older grandma-looking woman in the car. that's gotta hurt...

in other news, my mom and dad are coming to l.a. tomorrow and my mom wants to come to one of my classes. she's coming to my materials science class. i told her she could even use my clicker!! the way i figure, i can embarass myself every day at college. but have my mom embarass me? well that's just an opportunity i can't pass up.

plus, i'm a girl, and i'm in college- I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HECK I WANT AND GET AWAY WITH IT!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Negotiable (thank gosh!!)
grades on a math midterm. but seriously, i have no confidence in the competence of my t.a.'s. and i'm going to go talk to them. SO ANGRY!!! i'm gonna go have an otter pop to chill out.

get it? otter pop? chill out? CHILL out? otter pop is cold? get it?

that pun made me feel much better.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


There is no escape along the lines St. Augustine suggests. Nor along any other lines. There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket - safe, dark, motionless, airless - it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside of Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all dangers and perturbations of love is Hell.

- C.S. Lewis, "The Four Loves"

thor got a thunder

as some of you (read: kate) know, i have this way of picking up the phone when i'm asleep. and talking. except... i have no recollection of it the next day.

anyhow, my friend dena was supposed to call me back last night to tell me whether she needed a ride to church today. and... i see that she called last night around 1... and it wasn't a missed call so i definitely picked up... i just can't remember what she said!

but i do have a sneaking suspicion she said "no"... GOSH DARN YOU LINDY AND YOUR ASLEEP PHONE CONVERSATIONS!!!