Friday, September 24, 2004

shin splints...

i have shin splints. my lips are better, though. sicko...

no really i have shin splints, which surprised me because i'm not all that hard core and i feel odd being like, "no i don't want to play because... i have... shin splints" brooke told me i was making it up to sound hardcore, which is probably something i'd do... but no i actually have them. this is wierd.

Lindy: so am i hardcore now that i have shin splints?
Sunshine: no, it means you're out of shape and not used to running that much. ice them and stretch.

wow, she always knows how to brighten my day! so i did some research on the internet and that was cool. I get to ice them and consider alternate training methods and wear a shock-absorbing sole and all that good stuff. except going downstairs is painful. fourth floor is killer. i've actually tripped twice now coming out of doheny. clumsy... no i am i tripped last night at practice and my knees are sort of skinned up. but it was one of those trips where i tried to save myself for like 5 yards and finally fell in this really odd knees-hands position. not that many people were looking.

so not that any of you care about my wimpy 'sports injuries', but you should. then you should bring me cookies. that was actually recommended by one of the websites. namely, this one.

in other news, i'm going home for the weekender! so excited! bye


Cornelia W. said...

consider a virtual cookie sent. feel better!

ME said...

Lindy! Visite moi quand tu arrives ici! (Sorry, just took the French placement interro)

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