Tuesday, September 11, 2007

my bitter pill to swallow

first- i love the indigo girls, my guitar class, and my new ability to play "ghost" by the former. seriously incredible- who knew?

second- I made an awesome joke today that you may not get if you're older than me. So, I'm in mechop and we're talking about uncertainty in a function of multiple variables/inputs (so like how much error is in your calculation if each term has its own uncertainty) and our professor shows us a taylor expansion of the terms involving higher derivatives he just wrote "h.o.t." for "higher order terms" instead of writing them all out

later in the derivation he said they would just drop out entirely since they get so infinitesimally small. and I turned to loni (adx sister, mech eng, in 3 of my classes) and said, "he just dropped it like it's hot. literally." and snickered to myself substantially. it would have been funnier if it hadn't been an 8 a.m. class and if loni hadn't been half awake. oh well, I'll take what I can get. in my heart I know it was a hilarious joke.

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