Wednesday, February 21, 2007

bold as love

two stories pertaining to sidewalk chalk.

1. ZBT is having a party this friday which is sidewalk chalked at least 3 times on my bike ride home (i live between campus and the row) - "Naughty Nighties and Tighty Whities" which, because of the way it was written + i'm riding my bike at the speed of light, I read for the longest time as "Naughty Tighties and Night Whites". I should learn how to read.

2. It's E-week for engineering. I was on campus from 10-6 in class, lab, or office hours, so I didn't do any of the events, which today included 4-square. I rode by the quad on my way home and saw the 4-square courts. Each had a constant to denote the importance of the square (dust off your 4-square... 1 is most important, usually the "king", then "queen", "jack", and "dunce"). It went like this: π, e, λ, k. I couldn't agree more. one was clearly the astronautical court and had their constants (stefan-boltzmann, rad/mass of earth, etc.), another was chemical and had some constants (avogadro) and some formulae. being a nerd = the best. but being an overloaded nerd who can't partake in the nerdery = the worst.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aahhh! can we please throw a party called "Naughty Tighties and Night Whites" just to see what the hell people wear and bring. Because I would have NO IDEA what that would mean.