Tuesday, January 09, 2007

intermediate public economics

so. classes.

my first was Fluid Dynamics. the teacher started off with "the worst thing about learning is grading so I'd like to get that out of the way" and we voted on the number of tests, weekly quizzes, and graded/non-graded homework. then, when the democracy was over, he said "i'd like to start off with a little math quiz to see where everyone is. it's a short quiz on vector calculus" i liked it at first, now i'm afraid to go back.

today I went to my Computer-Aided Analyses class, it's an 8 a.m. the professor told us this would be the last lecture. it's because it's all computer work and he can't teach us without our having computers. i love him.

then, Dynamics. the Computer-Aided Analyses teacher said this would be the hardest engineering course that we would take (and that his would be the easiest). we'll see.

Thermodynamics next- the professor wasn't there so his TA handed out the syllabus and let us go.

Last, Strength of Materials. Our professor is in China or something and she won't be back for another 2 weeks. so... our incompetent TA tried to lecture while stuck-up jerk engineering boys were difficult. I mean those that answer questions lengthily and then end it with "but this is the analysis for non-deformable bodies, of course, not taking those factors into account"- which begs the question, do you just like the sound of your voice, or did you want to show off that you weren't listening like 5 minutes ago when he said this was analysis of rigid bodies? finally, when this one guy was like, "well did you want the reactions on the beams or the reactions on the pins" (which are equal and opposite so it's not like the problem-solving is any different) i finally told the guy at the board to just decide for himself and do the problem. i felt like a mom on a road trip, "if you don't stop being a douchebag i will pull this car over and solve the problem myself! i'll do it, i swear!"

overall: thumbs down. but hey, maybe when the professors actually get here it'll be fun good times. and i still have to go to my guitar class on thursday. should be the best i think.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Very funny. Do you think female engineers tend to engage in the ego gratification classroom ranting?

Also, what mom do you know that uses the word douchbag?