Friday, March 31, 2006

fast car

p.s. i changed most of the gender-specific words. and i bolded some stuff. and if god wants this to happen then he can. i don't need to know god's plan so i can decide what kind of person i'm going to be. god is making me into the person he wants to use for whatever his plan is.

Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets her heart on being an overseer, she desires a noble task. Now the overseer must be above reproach, the wife of but one husband, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. She must manage her own family well and see that her children obey her with proper respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage her own family, how can she take care of God's church?) She must not be a recent convert, or she may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. She must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that she will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.
Deacons, likewise, are to be women worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

1 Timothy 3:1-10

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

but as for me

God is so good to me. i mean it. and i don't just mean the every time i think about my family and my friends and the blessing he's given me that i treasure, the one's i come back to like on an hourly basis.

i mean that i'm afraid of staying in l.a. over the summer. that's right, afraid. because i don't especially like it, i'm afraid i'll be lonely here over the summer, i won't get to spend time with norcal friends, etc. etc.

not only are a LOT of my friends staying around this summer, but bel air takes children's ministries interns! GOD DOES NOT JUST EXIST IN NOR CAL! ok so this is not too revolutionary or anything, i know. but for me it wasn't like, "ok god, it's you vs. school, take bjillion" because that is sometimes (read: all the time) how it feels to me. i am the same whether i am in l.a. or atherton. god is the same all the time, and his blessings are good all the time. and so there. i ought to go to bed, but i have too much homework. and i'm too much at peace, I have nothing to sleep on!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

simple harmonic motion

you know some (church) people are always talking about "sitting at the feet of jesus"? I think that is all well and good, but if i could i think i would sit at the feet of donald miller because: 1- he is funny, 2- he speaks truth. sample:

"I was feeling like this guy with opinions was presenting a kind of Jesus who didn't even exist. His Jesus was just an invention of his imagination, someone who more or less justified his position concerning a lot of different political opinions. Sitting there listening to him made me feel tired. People like that should have an island." - chapter 2, "Searching for God Knows What"

Amen! truly truly

Saturday, March 25, 2006

"Hey Jesus" (Indigo Girls)

Hey Jesus it's me, I don't usually talk to you
But my baby's gonna leave me, and there's something you must do
And I am not your faithful servant
I hang around sometimes with a bunch of your black sheep
But if you make my baby stay, I'll make it up to you
It's a promise I will keep

Hey Jesus it's me, I'm the one who talked to you yesterday
I asked you please please for a favor, but my baby's gone away
Went away anyway
And I don't really think it's fair, you've got the power to make a soul believe in you
And then we call you in our despair, and you don't come through

Hey Jesus it's me, I'm sorry, I don't remember all I said
I had a few, no, too many, and they went straight to my head
And made me feel like I could argue with God
But you know it's easy for you, you've got friends all over the world
You had the whole world waiting for your birth
But now I ain't got nobody, I don't what my life's worth

Not gonna call on you anymore, I'm sure you've got a million things to do
All I was trying to do was to get through to you, get through to you
Cause when I die and I get up to your doors
I don't even know if you're gonna let me in the place
How come I gotta die to get a chance to talk to you face to face?

this songs isn't how I feel or anything- I just love it. i may have posted it before, I don't really know. oh man, huge props to indigo girls and windows media player shuffle.

golden eye

brooke and i decided if we reach a certain age and aren't married, we will marry each other. i said we'd have to move to vermont. brooke said that's ok because there is natural maple syrup there. i said ok. we'll become lesbians and eat waffles every day.

Monday, March 20, 2006

nothing is sound

did spring break just happen? i think i missed it.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

dimmer switch

ok, most exciting thing ever (just for u.s.c. people, though)

I was watching "bringing down the house" with my cousins, and chano's is totally in it! chano's! getting the recognition it deserves!

it's when queen latifah and eugene levy are driving to some club in downtown and there's a shot of them driving past chano's! the perspective is from the carl's jr. or whatever is across the fig/30th intersection from it. interesting fact: they're going south on fig, the opposite direction from downtown! oooooh movie flaw.

lindy is somewhat bored in indiana: case in point.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

better beans

let it be said:

the only thing worse than having a horrible professor is realizing he's also teaching a class next semester that you have to take. so not only does the tyranny never end, you have to be nice to the tyranny this semester so next fall won't be even worse.

i'm searching back through my life to see what i could have possible done to deserve this karma. must have been that ethnic cleansing i did back in '94... or maybe it was the pushing old ladies into traffic... no, no wait, i've got it. ENGINEERING HATES ME.

le pout

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the eleventh hour

I flew home and promptly set up camp in my family room. I don't like my mattress and figured the fold out bed on one of the couches would be better. It isn't really, but at least I woke up at a reasonable hour because my brothers are noisy.

I did blue box and wore an awkwardly half-a-size-too-small mechanic onesie/jumper/thing. Awkward. But it's just 2-5th grade kids, and they aren't blunt and harshly judgmental or anything. oh wait.

i flew out sunday night through all the midwest tornados and couldn't sleep because of the turbulence. So I spent most of the time praying because: a. it was dark, b. i didn't want to die. At one time some red lights went on in the cabin (this is probably at the height of my nausea, it was really bumpy) and i was pretty sure it was the "flight attendants please prepare for DEATH" light. but we were all o.k.

We arrived at about 6 a.m. to the charlotte-douglas airport, and the guy at the window in my aisle had closed the window as soon as he sat down. So i was thinking, "sir this is about the only time soon that I'm going to get to see a sunrise on the eastern seabord!" but i couldn't just reach over and open it (though he had ear plugs, neck pillow, eye cover thingy, and blanket- so he really wanted to sleep i guess). damn you, conscience... but from what I could see from the people in front of me, it was very beautiful and red. to do: visit eastern seaboard and watch sunrise. Also, always pick the window seat.

West Lafayette sure lives up to expectations: grandma transferred her phone, cable, and internet to the assisted living place she's in. So the most technologically advanced thing in her house is probably her ice maker. Now i'm in a starbucks on wireless internet, I'll go back later to help her figure out her bills and stuff. and gossip about the batty old ladies who are also there. one my cousin has named "madame PVC" because she has this chair/walker made out of p.v.c. to keep her from going into rooms at night, and she only speaks (yells at you) in french. i have yet to meet her.

This post was pretty boring, but i hadn't updated in a while. i want to call my friends, but all i'll hear is about how beautiful california/florida/other places are. indiana = arctic tundra!! peace out.

Monday, March 06, 2006

darn that dream

i'm going to learn german. yep, then i'm going to go to germany.

but first... i have to make a webpage for my h.t.m.l. class (i.t.p. 104a), what should it be about?
current ballot:
- ferrets
- kristin's art
- my art?

let me know.

Friday, March 03, 2006

get out the map

mope mope mope

i got soaked on the way to class

whine whine whine

and i lost one of the little people off the necklace my mom sent me from guatemala. i haven't even had the necklace for 24 hours! and now i can't wear it.

pout pout pout

buuuuuuuut, I went to the gym and i feel better. plus i went to a.g.o. for 24/7 prayer (a.k.a. the holy spirit clubhouse of jesus prayer lovin') and watched major league. and i have a fantastic weekend and many friends i've been meaning to hang out with, books i've been meaning to read... and midterms i've been meaning to study for... curses on you statics! curses on your h.t.m.l.! and on your descendants!


THE RAIN IS BACK!!! YOU BASTARD RAIN!! and kacie's wearing her rain boots... what will i do? take a midterm all wet? ick. drive kristin to the airport in the rain? show up to a.g.o. for 24/7 prayer [PLUG! DO IT! see facebook group for more info of you can ask me] soaking?

screw this. i'm going home, and i'm taking all my marbles!