Tuesday, February 28, 2006


i like how in los angeles rain is just something you can sleep on. i knew it wouldn't be back today... but i wore rain boots to j.e.p. just in case.

ha- j.e.p. story. so i went to my classroom and there was a sub so i expained who i was and he said that my teacher hadn't left any plans for me or which kids i was supposed to work with. he also told me there would be a drill at 9:15, which was after a literacy coach lesson, so we weren't sure if it was worth it for me to stay.

so i went to the office to ask how long the drill would last. I walked in and explained my situation,

"Hi I'm Lindy, I'm a j.e.p. volunteer in Mr. Kenney's class. He has a sub today, and hasn't left any plans for me. And I know there is a fire drill today, and I'm wondering how long it will last- if it's worth it for me to stay until after to tutor some kids."

"What drill?"

now, I have been a counselor, I know how/when to keep secrets from kids (like telling them we're watching "my favorite movie" at day camp), so I was like, "should the kids not know? are there any kids around?" so i was like, oh i guess she wants me not to totally blurt out the amazingly interesting succulent secret that there's a fire drill at 9:15.

"ok well, after... it [oh man check out my crazy spy skills, ain't no kids gonna guess there's a fire drill]... how much time will i have left? I'm usually here until 10"

"what drill? we don't have a fire drill today. i don't understand what you're asking."

at this point i'm like, "look lady, don't be coy with me! i know you have a fire drill!! now just admit it and tell me how long it'll take and if i should stick around!!" and she, of course, has no idea what i'm talking about... especially when i use pronouns... freakin' spy skills...

eventually, we got it figured out that there was in fact a drill today- a lockdown drill. can't say i had any of those in white suburban oak knoll... and i went home. but there was a tense moment there in the office, at least there was some sort of drill. lock down drill = ghetto fire drill, because it means someone is packing heat!

get it? fire? heat? knee-slapper?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

best of my love

tonight i checked myself out in a wal-mart security camera monitor. seriously. i did. i was passing it and i was like, "hey baby... you wear those laundry day clothes so well..." because i am skinnier, and much hotter (yes apparently it was possible). AWESOME.

but don't worry- brooke says if i get self-absorbed she won't be friends with me anymore. so i'll just have to check myself out when she's not around...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

i know i know i know

you know sometimes you go on some christian retreat and you're like, "i want to date every boy here!!" (see also: high school youth group).

and then you go to mammoth with crusade and you feel this abundant contentment with God and life and everything and you're like, "i am so happy right now i'm afraid dating someone would just mess it up!" not like anyone's asking you out... but i mean theoretically. and you're on a little single high...

BUT (and this makes it legit), then it's that time of the month but you're still excited about living- that means it's for REALS.

god = good, my cup = overfloweth.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

lady d'arbanville

way = how i live my life, how i hold myself, how i relate to others

truth = what i cling to, how i formulate ideas and opinions, what carries me through when life is falling apart

life = what i seek and rejoice when i find, and share with others

Jesus answered, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Sunday, February 12, 2006

candle in the wind

when we got back to church (our bus broke down... eww... but i did get to exhaust my clean joke library while we waited), thomas was ready to go home.

"wait thomas, i have to go to the bathroom"

"what?" and he throws his sleeping bag at me, without much effort because neither of use slept much at camp

"hey hey! a sleeping bag is not a weapon!"

"no, but it is a projectile."

I CLAIM THIS BROTHER FOR LINDY!! i would also like to announce that i explained the following things to my cabin: kinetic and potential energy (at the big swing), why things glow and the color spectrum (we made bracelets with cool glow-in-the-dark beads), air pressure (and what the best way to get ketchup out of the bottle is). yep, engineers are just breeding in the sewers and the santa cruz mountains these days.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

disappearing world

you know your life is pretty pathetic when like four adjacent posts are about chocolate soda. diet chocolate fudge 'soda'. because brooke decided she had to try it.

it went something like this:

"brooke I'm telling you it's disgusting. seriously. it's the nastiest thing you have ever tasted."

"i need to try it!"

"ok but i'm telling you. i'm just gonna pour you some in a clear glass you so you see it."

"ok. wait, i have to wait for it to stop fizzing." *drinks... swallows... cringes* "oh my... oh... oh my my GOD.... oh my god oh my god oh my god... ooooh my GOOOOOOOOOD. oh my-"

it went on like that for a while. right before she exploded in a heap of nasty soda (which apparently is bottled by the dr. pepper group... way to maim society by putting this in reach of children, guys). she's doing okay now, she's been discharged from the hospital. she's recooping with her tofu and organic water on ellendale. it's all gonna be ok.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

teach your children

sorry about the lyrics, i actually couldn't decide which song to put up, i just got the david gray album and it is AWESOME. so... thank your lucky stars the entire album isn't here now.

i further investigated this chocolate fugde 'soda'... i compared side by side my beloved diet dr. pepper with the... 'soda'.

Ingredients: (bolded = ones they both have)
(Dr. Pepper)
Carbonated Water
Caramel Color
Phosphoric Acid
Artificial and Natural Flavors
Sodium Benzoate (preservative)

carbonated water
caramel color
potassium benzoate (preservative)
artificial flavor
malic acid

given, the benzoate won't influence the tastes too much, i'm going to blame the malic acid. because mal means "bad" and malic must mean "totally disgustingly nasty- lindy why did you think this was a good idea?!" problem solved. now to figure out what to do with five cans of soda... OTHER than drink it!

Monday, February 06, 2006

"Lately" (David Gray)

That the sky would lift
That I'd find my place
That I'd see your face in the door
And the sun would glint
On a time well spent
On a time that ain't no more

Taste the broken hearts
In the vacant lots
See the fruit that rots on the trees
Try to turn my head
Leave it all for dead
But it's in my mind always

Honey lately I've been way down
A load on my mind
Honey lately I've been way down
Load on my mind

Someone tell me where did it go
Darling I'm damned if I know
I seen that look in your eye
No one ever gave it a chance
I could have said in advance
You saw it all in a glance
And goodbye

Drag a salted kiss
From this cup of bliss
Watch a new lie twist on the breeze
You can paint it red
Leave it all for dead
But it's in my head always

Honey lately I've been way down
A load on my mind
Honey lately I've been way down
Load on my mind

Someone tell me where did it go
Darling I'm damned if I know
I seen that look in your eye
No one ever gave it a chance
I could have said in advance
You saw it all in a glance
And goodbye


Honey lately I've been way down
Honey lately I've been way down
Honey lately I've been way down
Honey lately I've been way down

Sunday, February 05, 2006


kacie and i went to ralph's tonight. if kacie goes alone, wierd things happen to her; and if i go alone, i end up wandering endlessly up and down the aisles convinced i'm forgetting something. so we combine forces.

the past few trips, while in the soda aisle, we have seen this 'chocolate fudge' soda. and not only is it chocolate fudge, but it's diet (this separates it from being in the ice cream aisle with the toppings i guess). and every time we dare each other to buy it because we have to know what it tastes like!! tonight i didn't even need peer pressure, that bad boy went straight to my basket.

we drove home, set a can out on the table, and unloaded our groceries. the tension in the room was building, we weren't sure if we could really go through with it. finally i got out two valentine cups (oh wal-mart how i love thee, 5 for $1), opened the can and poured two fizzy cups full. and we drank.

then we spit.

i think kacie put it best: it's like tootsie roll, barf, and bubbles. so, for the record, while mr. pibb + red vines = crazy delicious, tootsie roll + vomit + carbonation + lindy's poor judgment = just crazy.

don't give in! there are 5 untouched cans on top of our refrigerator... and they aren't going anywhere. so if you are intrigued by the chocolate fudge soda, come over to our apartment. it's a safe environment with a large sink (with disposal!) for the spitting of the nasty soda. or should i say 'soda'.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

letter of intent

some say baseball isn't exciting. today, for the first time, i began to see what they mean. long beach has a pretty awesome pitcher, but there were quite a few amazing hits by us. and while everyone else stood up to see if it would clear the fence, i called it as soon as the ball left the bat.

i know my vectors and velocity components, i can sniff out a good trajectory a MILE away! so the excitement was somewhat lost. all i could think about what separating their hits into components, not unlike my thinking about the increase in the force of gravity when i hug someone.


in other news, i made a website!! i am so incredibly proud of it, and there will be more coming soon. for whatever reason joe doesn't think it's all THAT awesome... which made me feel like a parent with an ugly kid but no one will say anything, and i'm still so proud! of my ugly kid/website.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

shine on you crazy diamond

i'm studying abroad. i've known this for a while, and i thought i had time to figure out which classes transfer, etc. etc. then i could make an educated decision between ireland or scotland. engineering majors are a bit hampered in their options of study abroad- i would have preferred germany but my only choices were: brisbane (australia), cape town (south africa), galway (ireland), edinburgh (scotland), which in the end came down to galway or edinburgh.

so, because i couldn't rely on my own knowledge for this one, i prayed about it. and that's pretty much how it is, as sad as that is. if i can't get my own answer i guess i'll have to ask god to give me his. that's definitely not how i want it to be.

and, also unfortunately at times, god is not a quik-mart or miss cleo. so i couldn't say, "which one god?" and he'd give me a fortune cookie or make some math problem equate to "galway" or send an angel in a dream to tell me "edinburgh"... so i prayed some... waited some... then looked at their respective websites.

i realized i don't like irish accents, but my cousins do live in ireland which would be nice. also, of all their vast recreational options (yes i am being sarcastic), the top two were golfing and fishing. um... no. but sailing was one, and i want to learn how to sail.

the guy who narrated the edinburgh promotional video looked like a penguin... i couldn't decide whether that was a pro or a con. but in the end i liked edinburgh more. and it went something like this...

"ok god i'm going to apply to edinburgh. okay?"

*waits for lightning to strike*

"and i'm going over to the office of overseas studies now, so it's kind of down to the wire"

*lightning does not strike*

"and them i'm going to give my faculty recs to my professors... so it's sort of done..."

*still no lightning*

so i went to the office of overseas studies and picked up an application. I'm writing a letter of intent sort of thing to my recommenders... and yeah. i'm feeling good about it. kacie will be in london, which should be totally close (because everything in europe should be close, i say so), joe will be clubbing in spain, it will be awesome. yeah.

a little more

the only thing worse than not having a valentine is reeeeeeeeeeally wanting one...

and knowing exacly which one you want... le sigh