Sunday, January 29, 2006

cold fusion

popples called on friday night, and we went to santa barbara. we came back late-ish saturday afternoon and took the p.c.h. so we could watch the sunset. it was absolutely amazing. the entire sky is to beautiful you don't even know where to look. luckily, she was driving, so i could look anywhere any time. schwing.

the 10 was a little congested, a while line of red lights our way and a string of white lights in the other lane. i was like, "a string of diamonds and a string of rubies..." which is what a family friend or my mom or someone said to me when i was little. once when i was in the car coming home with somebody from the mens team (ultimate. i was in s.b. for an ultimate tournament), he was like, "why are women so obsessed with shiny things?!?" and my first thought was, "oooooh shiny!!" which is definitely not what i wanted to answer.

popples and i got to talking about it and decided next time a guy asks that, we will just say we are half-racoon.

oooh shiny!! aluminum foil aluminum foil!!! smells like trash- SHINY!!!

Friday, January 27, 2006

exotic scented lotion

you know how everyone's new years resolution is "live in the present"? well mine wasn't this year (proof!) but it is a smart one.


ugh present = saturated in future.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

goodbye, goodnight

i decided to kick-off my valentine-search/hunt/poaching tonight at a.g.o. worship. sort of like the kick-off of a fund-raiser. yes-- getting me a valentine is now a community service and probably tax-deductible!

however, i somewhat fear the predator-prey relationship that seems to happen with any girl-a.g.o. encounter. allow me to clarify: when i say "a.g.o." i mean anywhere from one to all of the members of the frat. example: "I saw a.g.o. at bel air tonight" means i probably saw three or four members at church. apparenly when you join a.g.o. you renounce any right to a first name

anyhow, while my valentine's coming from a.g.o. is certainly desirable... the process of getting said valentine could make everything go horrible awry. taking advantage of a group of nice christian boys is tempting... but so tasteless. *le sigh* this is not to mention the fact that i booked it after worship. i was like, "beeline for bed!" even though i have homework to look forward to. such a loser....

brooke wished me luck when i left for worship tonight... looks like you'll be my valentine again this year brookins...


i will advance confidently in the direction of my goals! right after i finish my problem set.

Monday, January 23, 2006

famous last words

i got some "twisted whiskers" valentines, and some "babies of the wild" ones, and my favorite the dinosaur ones!! and i'll get some candy some time within the next few weeks to tape to them.

is it so bad i want a real valentine this year? i mean, brooke you've been good to me-- don't get me wrong or anything. but seriously. i have three weeks from tomorrow to negotiate me a valentine. and i don't know where to start...

in other, sort of related news, I've managed to sign myself up for three physics classes: straight up physics 151, statics (the mechanics of systems in equilibrium... a.k.a. physics without motion), and my t.o. class that talks about world views. i have been talking about isaac newton for three weeks straight...

but the point: i was hugging someone and all i could think of was the gravity equation. and i was like, "whoa, i may not feel it, but the force of gravity between us must be proportionately (sp?) larger since our centers of mass are so close!"

with that said- anyone want an unromantic analytical doofus for a valentine? still accepting applications, work-study not an issue.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

i hear a symphony

today brooke and i went to the sharks v. kings game. when she sends me the pics i'll post them. we made t-shirts, it was awesome. mine said "the sharks are jawsome" and brooke's said "i cheechoo choose you"... which is only funny if you know the sharks (our fave player = #14 jonathan cheechoo), and have seen the simpsons episode where lisa gives ralph a valentine ("i choo choo choose you").

either way, we screamed and shouted and cheered and then won. i've had to retype this like 4 times i'm so tired. lindy out.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

well that's good to know

You scored as Engineering. You should be an Engineering major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

paradigm shift

last night kacie and i decided that i'm going to marry a paleontologist. because he combines the two epitomes (for me at least) of attraction:

intelligence (especially the sciency kind!!) and DINOSAURS

and if he's short then it'll be like heaven on earth.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

and rum

jessalyn's gone this weekend. bonnie is also m.i.a. kacie left this morning to go home for the weekend.

so i went to target and ralph's (the mecca of love on la brea in west hollywood- target! ralph's! tj's! awesome!) and as I stood in the line to pay for my parking, I sipped the diet coke i got at target (along with a sink thing, some hangers, and a some batman bandaids). a couple behind me was all lovey, and "all by myself" began playing in the parking garage.

I got home and cleaned the kitchen. I discovered my toilet overflowed, so i've been trying to mop that up. I did some statics, some calc, some physics. and brooke's coming over later.

All streams run to the sea,
but the sea is not full;
to the place where the stream flows,
there they continue to flow.

Ecclesiastes 1:7

Thursday, January 12, 2006


today when i was making breakfast, I had to pry off the top of a new thing of basil. as it popped off, it sailed across the kitchen and landed right on the edge of the counter, near the crevice of doom (between fridge and counter). things could have gotten ugly (and very basil-y) without said top.

someone up there is looking out for me down here.

Monday, January 09, 2006


i love my TO class! i love it! jenn is in it, my professor is nice! hooray!

THEN I GOT TO MATH. oh math how you torture me! First, my t.a. this semester is the same from last semester, who doesn't speak english, doesn't shave, and definitely doesn't change clothes. seriously. he wore the same red sweater and questionable khakis every day last semester. btw he is french that may explain it. i'm switching to a different section. people could get hurt.

in math we had to fill out little index cards of our name, major, etc. so our professor knew who we were. We had to write how we look. So I wrote, blondish brown hair that is usually up, blue eyes, fair complexion. for one thing, i felt like i was writing a personal ad. that was wierd. then, i realized that fit a lot of the girls in my class. So I added to the end overweight. Because if you're trying to identify someone, that's a pretty good measure. I felt sort of odd putting that down because people are always like, "no you're not fat!" blah blah. it has to do with my physical description, it doesn't mean i'm a horrible person. i wish people would just acknowledge that.

THEN at the end of class, I'm getting my books and turn around to see who else but ANOTHER blond-ish overweight girl. I was like, awwww hells no fattie there's only room in this math class for the one of us! which is sort of mean, whatever. luckily, I have the good sense to wear my hair up, hers was all stringy and down. I triumphed again.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Today we mourn the loss of our beloved tree. Yes, we have several, and yes, they are always shedding in the pool, but this tree was special. This tree was... unique. He died tragically in a storm. Always a giver, he fell away from the house and only took a part of the fence with him. The entire tree house remained intact as he fell to the ground. The tree did take down the flood lights for the basketball court.

Over the years, the tree housed our treehouse with pride, and served as the top of our swing. We will always remember when Rachel climbed up the fireman pole and was then christened "Super Adventure Girl" and the time she was on the swing and it fell off, making her think she was fat. Which she is not.

Memorial services were held today. Attendees included: Dad, Greg, Lindy, Thomas, one chain saw, and 2 sharp pruny things. The service included climbing on the tree as it sat on the ground, daring each other to hop into the large hole made by the uprooting, cutting off branches to shred, and begging my dad to use the chain saw.

We will never forget you, tree, we loved you till the end. God be with you, and thanks for all the firewood.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

nobody says "next" to guli

my new years resolution is to be more intentional.

task #1: figure out exactly what that means.
task #2: get my car on "pimp my ride". seriously. i KNOW you can fit some serious l.c.d. screens in spartacus. xhibit- don't leave me hangin!!