Monday, September 19, 2005

one less infidel

i forgot to post this, ben (chernikoff) called me on friday to see if i'll be a co-worker reference for his border's application!

i felt so special. and all the time i was at the gym, i was thinking about all the wonderful things i get to say about ben if they call me and ask!

he works well with other, but has enough initiative to tackle things on his own. he also dresses like someone who would work in a bookstore (i.e. not preppy). plus, he's approachable and won't make you feel stupid for asking where the danielle steel are (or so i imagine... i've never been in that situation, so i don't know for sure). so exciting!

on a completely different note, i am tired of being hassled by the police whenever i go to my apartment. the emmy's completely ignored those affected by the awards show. now only did they not inform us, they refuse to let us access our cars, and won't let us even walk on shrine ave. tonight, i was coming home from the library, sort of late, and they wouldn't let me walk to my apartment on shrine! i was like, "you know, it's really late. i don't much feel like walking over to hoover. no one's here anymore! i can even see my apartment!" (that's a lie, i can't actually see my apartment, i can see the building next to it.) but i still had to go around.

I think if they'd at least told us, then we'd treat it all as something we just have to deal with instead of an attack, which is what it feels like. their entire ignorance of the shrine neighbors shows a blatant rudeness and lack of respect for us. i hope i can fight the man all by my onesy, petitions take too long.


Anonymous said...

ME onesy, lindy. ME onesy. ;-)

i mean, if you want to be jack sparrow, anyway. if you want to be a loser and not be a pirate, you don't have to. haha ;-)


Lindy Lois said...

but i can't get this ship into tortuga all by me onesy- SAAVY?