Monday, September 05, 2005


#1: i am uncool. plain and simple. i realized that i am a frumpy engineering girl. and... i'm not too bothered by it. i guess the truth does set you free. but don't worry, i'll still shower and stuff

#2: since i have 2 weeks of school to make up... I have 5 chapters of chem to read, 3 of computer science (but don't let that fool you- it's still 100 pages), 6 chapters fo my broadway musical class. and i'm always behind in math. i had a little paper due today, i was graciously excused from the first problem set and quiz in chem (thank you prof goo!!), and my first program is due on friday. AGH!

and, of course, my bike was stolen. which was like this evil cherry on top of my evil 2 weeks sundae. i saw kacie the day my bike was stolen and she was like, "hi lindy!" and i started crying. true story. then i failed a math quiz. also a true story.

i feel like job... except i'm definitely failing.

this is a pretty downer post... but i can't think of anything good that's happened lately. except a new pair of jeans. i like them.


Lindy Lois said...

and to add insult to injury... i'm now getting stupid spam comments on this blog.

Anonymous said...

i love you lindy!! if you ever need to talk, call me! i'd wake up the night before a test for you! ;-)

and i understand crappy times. so give me a call and cry and it's all good.

love you!