Sunday, September 11, 2005

JOHN LOCKE (for fun and profit)

they only govern by the consent of the governed... WHAT?

Subject: Reminders about Shrine Events
Hi Keity,

My name is Lindy, I'm a tenant in Habitat Soo Zee. As you obviously know, some of the Conquest buildings are directly across from or very near to the Shrine Auditorium. This means that when events are going on at the Shrine, tenants at many of these locations are unable to leave or enter their apartment buildings via car, because many streets (today- 32nd, Shrine, and Royal) are blocked off.

However, it is very difficult for tenants to know exactly when and which streets will be blocked off. Is there any way for Conquest to obtain this information and inform tenants about these street closings? I know that USC university housing puts up flyers in their buildings to remind students about Shrine events, so it can be done!

Thank you very much,


Subject: Informing Shrine Neighbors about the Emmy Awards
Hi Lippin Group,

My name is Lindy, I'm a student at USC. I live in an apartment across the street from the Shrine Auditorium, and was extremely inconvenienced today when I was unable to leave my apartment. All of the streets around my apartment (parts of 32nd, Royal, Shrine) have been blocked off because of the awards tonight. I understand that blocking off streets is the only way to let the Awards run smoothly, but those affected by these street closings need to have prior knowledge.

Luckily for you, many of the buildings affected by the street closings are owned either by USC Housing or Conquest Housing ( it may be easier to contact those managements directly who in turn can inform their tenants. You could also have a representative walk around to the different houses/apartments to let us know. And of course, you could rent all of us free limos for next weekend so we are able to run errands and see friends even though we can't get out of our respective garages.

Of course, this weekend is just a practice for us for next weekend when the full-blown Emmy Awards happen. We will be better prepared next Sunday, and hopefully we will be better informed.

Thank you very much.


I'm such a badass. for reals.

1 comment:

cldanger said...

Oh my gosh. You are my hero. (And my parents'.)