Sunday, May 01, 2005


i didn't want to write a paper today, so i began cleaning out my desk. in anticipation of cleaning out my room, and moving out in 9 days. i came across my greek flash cards. and in front of me i now have a stack 5" x 3" x 3 3/4" of flash cards of every different color and content. nouns, adjectives, declensions, verbs, conjugations.

did you know at one time i wanted to be a preacher? well. i guess i was called to be a preacher. so i decided to study greek. i didn't know you could lose a calling. but you can lose sight of it i guess, or discard it. and now i want to be the chairwoman of the federal reserve...? what happens to all my flash cards and outlines of econ when i change my mind? I have two thoughts going through my head now.

I poured my heart out
it evaporated, see?
-Ben Folds Five

...because she who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That woman should not think she will receive anything from the Lord; she is a double-minded woman, unstable in all she does.
-James 1:6-8


Cornelia W. said...

you don't have to know greek to be a preacher, do you?
i guess you do have to do econ to be chairwoman of the fed. my econ prof always refers to decisions made by the federal reserve as, 'and then alan greenspan was sitting in his bathtub looking at data and decided...'

Lindy Lois said...

i meant like i do stuff... and then it's worth nothing...

and i don't even think, "oh well at least i had that experience!"

i'm restless, i want to be out in the world influencing interest rates or making cool buttons or teaching kids how to finger paint. or something! not here studying and blogging and playing snood while i should be writing a paper.

Anonymous said...

ditto that last bit! i am so sick of finals and papers and procrastinating that i'm going to scream.
