Monday, May 09, 2005

horrible speller though he is,

i love joe. and he knows just what to say without my saying anything, or even talking to him at all in a week. I LOVE JOE I LOVE JOE I LOVE JOE I LOVE JOE. and now the whole world (read: blog) knows it.

i finally asked my dad today why i don't have a godmother, or any godparent actually. as suspected, he has no good reason. i simply reminded him that my birthday's coming up in july, which i believe gives him ample time to oragnize a godparent of some sort for me. I don't even know what exactly a godparent is- but i really really want one!!!

I remind myself of Lady Bracknell when she tells jack to find himself a parent of some kind because her daughter will not form an alliance with a handbag, marry into a cloakroom!! (or something like that, oh oscar wilde you fox).

Maybe I should put an ad in the paper, some sort of classified.

Female, 18 (almost 19!) years of age seeks responsible, preferably affluent godparent. Godmother preferred, but not necessary. Skills: buy me presents, be cool like that, procure some definition of a godparent and fulfill that role. Send in resume with picture and sample present for me. Dirty old men need not apply.

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