Monday, March 14, 2005

clementines and lil smokies

today was a wonderful day- I went to Monterey! hooray! we (me, john, cousin elizabeth) drove in my mom's convertible and it was a beautiful day! blah blah blah pretty car ride. blah blah blah aquarium and awesome otter paraphenelia blah blah. what REALLY matters are the two breathtaking puns!

pun #1: john and i are at the beach throwing a frisbee. and behind john are a couple on a blanket snuggly-kissy-not-quite-making-out. and so, like any bitter person who isn't getting any herself, i yell, "GET A DUNE!" oh i kill myself!

then we drove to santa cruz for dinner (and dessert!) and, who knows how this happened, we got on the subject of currencies pegged to the dollar (ex: Argentina) that still experience high inflation while the dollar stays relatively stable. exciting- i KNOW!

pun #2: even though i should be making really smart economic comments, all i can think of is "I know Argentinians! they're twins!" and my cousin (this is how i know we're related!) is like, "oh, you mean ArgenTWINians!"

TOUCHE, ELIZABETH! now i'm going to bed because i'm sandy and tired (the true signs of a perfect day). nighty night

1 comment:

Cornelia W. said...

can't read that without thinking of mr. collins' proposal scene. cousin elizabeth... ha.