Wednesday, March 16, 2005

becomes her

i'm a horrible person. seriously. why are you even reading my blog? today i went over to maddy's house three separate times, and made fun of her extensively. chipmunk cheek... chubbins... bloated cheek... this poor girl had her wisdom teeth taken out- AND I PLAN TO EXPLOIT THAT TO THE FULLEST!

i'm sorry, maddy, you know i love you. what can i say? i mean, i've always had a thing for girls with disproportionately large right cheeks. and really, who can blame me? you're hot. and i'm cruel. so deal.

in other news, i went to the dentist today. my brushing is good, but i need to floss more. i still go to the kids dentist. so i got a shiny bracelet for my time there. I also get to watch a movie while they torture me. the nurse brought me into a room with the videos... and it was a hard decision: spongebob or emporer's new groove? I finally went with the latter, at which time the nurse was like, "are you sure?" and drew my attention to the eye-level shelf with other movies: 13 going on 30, dumb and dumber, pieces of april.

psh. as if! get a clue, nurse lady. i can brush my own teeth and pick my own movie! i can also go to bed at 11 pm, because i am MASTER OF MY OWN FATE!

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