Tuesday, August 14, 2007

gold flats

the wisdom teeth recovery goes well (went well? I'm pretty much back to regular food and no vicodin now). my fam fam watched the meteor shower sunday night. Well, we all said we would but then Tom fell asleep inside, Greg went out with friends, and John just left. So my parents and I slept out on the pool deck until the alarm clock went off at 2 a.m. and we looked for the meteors. (eventually we went inside to get Thomas, so he was there for the 2 a.m. part, too)

It was freezing, and we were trying to stay awake/not succumb to the warmer inside. But it was hard- the sky is really big, we don't know exactly where to look. But we did succeed in seeing a few. except my mom. She is less patient.

mom: "It's like, reveal yourself or screw it. This is probably why I was a horrible researcher"
lindy: "This is why you're a horrible astronomer." *shiver*

Some time early in the morning I went inside- but John has my room now, so I slept in my parents bed. I'm sort of a little nomad until I get back to 'SC. I've set up camp in the music room (where I'm writing from right now)- inflatable bed, the stuff I have to pack in the car to go back. But my family still loves me, they just don't believe in bunk beds anymore (or thomas doesn't want to share)

1 comment:

Bridget said...

hee hee your mom cracks me up