Friday, August 31, 2007

forever my friend

things I hate about living in south central:

1. the poor cheese and meat selection at deli. I don't want to be a stuck up mean old lady or something, but seriously people HOW MUCH RANCHERO CHEESE DO YOU THINK I WILL EAT? the answer is none, so stop stocking so much of it.

2. the bars on the outside of my windows (on second floor no less) make it impossible to install an a/c unit in our sauna. oh, i mean bedroom.

3. the bike shop just sucks.

4. generally poor selection at grocery store. I was reading through my rachael ray cookbook today and about every third recipe I thought, "can't make this unless I go to the west hollywood ralph's." (ralph's = grocery store and the w.h. one is across the street from a trader joe's and near a target- it is glorious)

things i love

1. horchata

2... yeah that's basically it

Saturday, August 25, 2007

under the blacklight

sorry I've been m.i.a. the internet in our house isn't working, and my bike has followed suit so it's hard to get around (i.e. to a computer with internet). So, I'm back in L.A. The house is awesome, except there are possums who live outside so I live in fear after about 9 p.m.

EVERYONE HERE LOVES MY NEW BROWN HAIR, FAMILY. family: 0. lindy's hair: 123830.

I had lots of things to write when I had no internet connection, but now that I've schlepped over to kristin's (apartment from last year, still have keys) and have hooked up the computer, I'm strangely uncreative.

OH WAIT. a.g.o. (christian frat) has this really cool swing on their front porch. kristin and I went over the other morning to swing on it. it's glorious, though creepy since we weren't visiting anyone there, we're just in it for the swing. And I want a swing at our house. I have tools, but no lumber to make said swing. We'll see.

We went to lucky strike (bowling alley in hollywood) for kristin's birthday and saw keanu reeves. the man is an awkward bowler, but easy on the eyes (it was dark). I won, my wii skills must be paying off.

the money shot:

also, the pose we all had to do after getting a strike:

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

from my homepage

two delights


I fell out of my chair (harder when sitting on floor, but I managed) after I read the above one. (sorry the formatting doesn't work with my blog template. click on it for full version)


and this one is just hilarity

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

gold flats

the wisdom teeth recovery goes well (went well? I'm pretty much back to regular food and no vicodin now). my fam fam watched the meteor shower sunday night. Well, we all said we would but then Tom fell asleep inside, Greg went out with friends, and John just left. So my parents and I slept out on the pool deck until the alarm clock went off at 2 a.m. and we looked for the meteors. (eventually we went inside to get Thomas, so he was there for the 2 a.m. part, too)

It was freezing, and we were trying to stay awake/not succumb to the warmer inside. But it was hard- the sky is really big, we don't know exactly where to look. But we did succeed in seeing a few. except my mom. She is less patient.

mom: "It's like, reveal yourself or screw it. This is probably why I was a horrible researcher"
lindy: "This is why you're a horrible astronomer." *shiver*

Some time early in the morning I went inside- but John has my room now, so I slept in my parents bed. I'm sort of a little nomad until I get back to 'SC. I've set up camp in the music room (where I'm writing from right now)- inflatable bed, the stuff I have to pack in the car to go back. But my family still loves me, they just don't believe in bunk beds anymore (or thomas doesn't want to share)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

you must've fallen

first- the farming. We went to my dad's parents farm this past weekend. Good times, no animals. But I did drive me some tractors. My favorite part was playing in the silo (which is a big cylinder... hold corn but not on the cob, in kernels) with Thomas when we had to put the auger (helps get the corn kernels out) inside it. The kernel level is higher around the edge and gets lower near the middle- we got some wooden panels (2'x3' I estimate) and 'surfed' them down the kernels. We got totally dirty (sneaky kernels) and with every clothing item I took off before my shower 3-4 new kernels dropped to the floor. Thomas said he could hear them and was simultaneously humored and grossed out. He should have come to expect that from me now.

um, must make the post quick before the vicodin sets in. I had my wisdom teeth out this morning. I fear medical stuff and as they were searching for a vein for the I.V. (already a gauze + tape on the right inside elbow- they had to try both arms), I decided never to give birth. hospitals must be even worse. but as the surgeon man inserted the knock-me-out stuff into the i.v. I remembered that my mom told me her surgeon told her to count to 10 as they knocked her out and she didn't remember making it past four. I don't even remember counting.

The next thing I knew I woke up behind the nurses station with a fuzzy blanket and a little headache. When my mom drove me home I got a new blacket and an ibuprofen. I slept for a few hours (apparently a family friend came over... sorry mary I was out of it) and have had just a little headache all day. The bleeding stopped quickly and my swelling went down.

oh, the swelling. my family values honesty, and now i will show you

lindy: "mom is my face big?"
mom: "let's put it this way... I thought you had a round face before. Now you've really got jowls."

... after the intense napping...

lindy: "mom is my face still big?"
mom: "lindy it's like... another dimension for your face."

brooke says it's not noticeable. but we were also outside at night when she said this- perhaps the enormous head bends the light? gravitational pull of jowls?

but I'm feeling better now and very sleepy. I was so afraid of the surgery, but God takes care of me and my tooth sockets. yay! goodnight

Thursday, August 02, 2007

new deep

Greg's here yay!!! he came this morning, I picked him up and we went to gma's. I did some sweet sweet work today- something finally worked out! When it gets uploaded (it's FTP-ing as I type) you can find it here: but for now it'll just say "loading" over and over again until all the files are up there.

We went to a bbq my faculty advisor had for our group + families, which was glorious. I was the designated driver. And I told Greg all about this dream I had with a walrus with FOUR EYES!! it was scary. walruses (walri?) are hella scary looking don't believe otherwise.