Monday, February 26, 2007

small figures in a vast expanse

here is the good news!

I went to my advisor to transfer my Edinburgh classes. We transferred the differential equations class, but I failed a stats class (long, frustrating story) so I was worried about my g.p.a. But she said these classes don't affect my g.p.a. at all! Hurray! I have to take a stats class for econ anyhow, so I will learn it.

Then I went to my 308 lab, and so far our project doesn't seem too hard (... calm before the storm? I put jack johnson music on my phone/mp3 player to listen to so I don't get upset and frustrated in this class, which is very easy), and I got an email from my advisor saying that because I took and passed a 300-level-equivalent Astrophysics class, it would count as a tech elective!

my math class went through
my 3.79 is safe (i can brag b/c i think most of the people who read this are out of school)
I have one less class to take! which means I can now take ONE non-major-or-minor class! yay!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

cut up

cross off to-do list: partying at the spider club.

JAWSOME. it's too bad i'm not 21 yet, but we did go to chano's afterwards. viterbi (engr. school) ball was at the spider club (which is a really popular l.a. club for those of you not in the circle). we danced a LOT which was 90% due to that fact that my date cut it up on the dance floor and i pretty much had to... that's not to say i didn't enjoy it though... i think i have a few blisters and i'm having trouble typing so i'm gonna go to bed.

but lastly- dry humping? what is this? is this "dancing"? no. props and props to michael (aforementioned date)- i felt respected the entire night. everybody clap for michael, he is respectful and also loves dancing. because seriously, i'm holding out for the real thing i'm not gonna have halfassed sex on a dance floor that's messed up. my hat goes off to michael, for not getting too close/touchy/that sort of thing. ok, now bed for REALS

Thursday, February 22, 2007

plane crash in c

there was an engineering job fair today. miraculously, i got the goods together and researched some companies and prepared resumes, etc. and ironed an outfit (!). Pants, too! i feel so grown up. but i'm wondering if there's any way to grow up (like get a job and do... taxes...) but not *be* grown up (join a mom book club, own a pda, that sort of thing). am i allowed to do that? or is that one of those "sounds cool but is actually really selfish" things.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

bold as love

two stories pertaining to sidewalk chalk.

1. ZBT is having a party this friday which is sidewalk chalked at least 3 times on my bike ride home (i live between campus and the row) - "Naughty Nighties and Tighty Whities" which, because of the way it was written + i'm riding my bike at the speed of light, I read for the longest time as "Naughty Tighties and Night Whites". I should learn how to read.

2. It's E-week for engineering. I was on campus from 10-6 in class, lab, or office hours, so I didn't do any of the events, which today included 4-square. I rode by the quad on my way home and saw the 4-square courts. Each had a constant to denote the importance of the square (dust off your 4-square... 1 is most important, usually the "king", then "queen", "jack", and "dunce"). It went like this: π, e, λ, k. I couldn't agree more. one was clearly the astronautical court and had their constants (stefan-boltzmann, rad/mass of earth, etc.), another was chemical and had some constants (avogadro) and some formulae. being a nerd = the best. but being an overloaded nerd who can't partake in the nerdery = the worst.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I turned on the t.v. this afternoon and on p.b.s. was Rick Steves- which is a travel guide and my personal hero. he's like 1 part nerd + 1 part conoisseur of all things travel + public access = awesome. and it was a segment on edinburgh. I watched the team go all around and tell me where to go and where to avoid. I couldn't decide if i was happy or sad. or hungry. or tired. or all of the above.


brooke left this message on my phone thursday during my thermo class. it is too beautiful not to publish.

hey love it's me.

um i hope your party went well last night. i'd definitely come down or something, i went to bed pretty early i feel kinda sh*tty. so right now i'm done with class for this morning and, um, i have a togo's certificate so i'm gonna go over there and get a sammich then i'm gonna go home and i got a bunch of reading i have to do for my class tonight so maybe i'm just going to be doing that this afternoon. maybe go to [inaudible]

so anyway i was just wondering what you were up to, um, this weekend i guess, um, cuz i'd like to see you i miss you a lot...

i miss your face...

i miss the way you criticize me even though [inaudible] i know you just love me....

i miss the way you part your hair on the side now instead of just straight in the middle which i think was a good change...

i miss the way you check yourself out in security cameras even though i think that's really full of it and i would never do that because i'd be ashamed and embarassed but the way you're proud of it, you kinda brag about it...

i miss the way you're still in love with [censored] even though you like to say that you're really not...

i miss the way you eat veggie burgers and make fun of me for being a vegetarian and you do it bunless which i would never do because buns are delicious...

i miss an assortment of other things as well but i feel like i'm gonna get cut off... trying to think if i should keep talking or maybe i've already been cut off, i'm not so sure, let me check. i don't know it looks like the minutes are still..

i don't miss the way you spit out your boba the other night because that hurt me inside...

i miss watching reno 911 with you, cuz that's really fun. and we get to go see the movie soon...

i miss swimming at your pool when your family's not there, which i've done probably more times than i've told you...

i miss kona, your really smelly dog...

i miss your brother and his strange method of social interaction...

i miss little thomas because he's hilarious. he's like a little you, except sappier. um...

wow next time i see you i'll continue this okay? so give me a call back.

Friday, February 16, 2007


I just got totally freaked out by a home security system commercial. this man tried to break into her house it was so scary!!!

now the lights are on. and the deadbolt in place. luckily, the windows already have bars so I don't have to worry about that. but seriously brinks- 20 year old girls may watch these commercials so CENSOR THYSELF.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


true story: I'm okay with technology. technology is just alright with me. specifically the camera component of my phone, which before i thought was peripheral.

my friend michael sent me flowers on monday for deliveries (it's like the pony expess of the greek system and is pretty sweet) and my friend in a.d.x. took a picture of me with them, which i sent to him to say, "thank you!" now they're in a pitcher on my counter. I forgot Kristin has vases, and now I'm forgoing my o.j. for a week or until they die and I can have the pitcher back.

I took a picture of a kumquat tree outside the l.a. central libary (it's out the back entrance closer to 6th street) and sent it to my sorority big sis who loves kumquats. delightful.

I got a 89/100 on my dynamics midterm (the class my design professor said would be the hardest in MechEng), took a picture of it, and sent it to my dad and mom. oh yeah.

The camera phone and I are at peace, and things are looking up (except for all my classes. oh well.)