Wednesday, December 07, 2005

wanna hear a funny story?

ok, i'll tell you one then.

for the a.g.o. formal, steve invited me and we weren't dates but i was like, "i'm totally getting him a boutonniere" (spelling?) so I went over to cesar's flowers (next to bistango... waaaay ghetto), and I ordered a yellow rose with prettiness around it. On monday afternoon I went to pick it up, and they were like, "oh... yellow rose..." and hadn't made it yet. I even gave them a pick-up time, which I came after! yeah well.

so they come out with this sad yellow rose. It was fresh, it wasn't wilting or anything, but it hadn't opened. It was all closed up. I walked about ten feet out of the door, then i went back in.

"This rose is really... sad... and not open, do you have anything else?"
"this rose is really sad and closed up."
"well, it's very fresh!"
"Yeah, but do you have any that aren't as fresh, that are more opened up?"
"well, it will open up... in about a day or do"

yes, i said it. and she looked at me. and i looked at her, and i conceded. I had sounded like a sophomore going to homecoming and there isn't even any dancing at a.g.o. so really i was also a big liar.

i went back to the tat, and laura came over to do my hair and make-up (which looked fantastic by the way, but i wanted less make-up only for my own selfish reasons that i feel more comfortable). then john came over and we were discussing the tragic yellow rose. and john, prophet that he is/isn't, was like, "oh, if you microwave it it'll open up i've heard." and i'm going through it in my head, it sort of makes sense. Molecules gain more energy and separate when heated... why wouldn't rose petal?

genius, thinks I, nuke that thing!

John put it in for about 20 seconds... and I didn't notice too much of a difference. I think cumulatively we heated it for a full minute. no difference made, of course. So I closed its box back up and we walked over to a.g.o. Of course, the heat caused condensation in the box, so it was full of warm water vapor, which got onto the rose. so by the time it got to steve, the top half was all wet and wilty... exactly what i'd wanted to avoid...

i still think he wore it with pride. no one else had a boutonniere. and in a blind world, the man with one eye (and by one eye i mean one sad rose) is KING!


Cornelia W. said...

you're sweet and always interesting.

i don't think it was immature for you to ask for a blooming rose. you're paying them, and you should get what you want. then again, i'm the sort that sometimes takes our castilleja self assertiveness training too seriously.

Lindy Lois said...

no way. it was less assertive and more like, "but seriously. this? on a lapel? surely you jest." i'm totally legit in my asking for a prettier rose. but i did sound like a total loser when i though telling her "that dance is tonight" would somehow convince her... yeah.