Tuesday, December 13, 2005

more badass from the tat

To: keity@conquesthousing.com

Subject: Roof work on Habitat Soo Zee

Hi Keity,

I am a tenant in Habitat Soo Zee, and I am extremely upset by the roof work being done on the building. Yes, it is noisy, yes, it starts very early, but most importantly it is being done during finals. This, in my opinion, is unacceptable. You scheduled the work to be done late in November, and for whatever reason it has been postponed until now, when sleep and concentration - both integral for finals - are thwarted by the work being done.

I called the office yesterday, when your staff told me they do not make any plans with regard to USC's schedule. I know you call yourself "The Premier Housing Provider for USC Students", so you must realize that the majority if not all of your tenants go to USC. How can you hope to become the "Premier" if you do not take into account the USC schedule? The schedule is easily knowable, you can find it here:
http://www.usc.edu/academics/calendar/, and you will notice that only six days out of every semester are set aside for finals. Can you not also set aside these days to respect the tenants and cease all work being done on buildings?

I believe that stopping the work, and never scheduling work done during finals in the future, is the only option that respects the tenants, whom you admit are all USC students, and hope to become "The Premier Housing Provider for USC Students".

I would like a courtesy email or phone call to let me know you have received and processed this letter, and what you plan to do about respecting USC students' schedule in the future.

Thank you,
Lindy [don't put last name or it pops up on google]

this one's takin me to vegas, baby! or at least to a happier, quieter place... a place i thought was my apartment building.

1 comment:

Lindy Lois said...

crap i just saw a typo. CRAP ON A CRAP CRACKER. no one will ever take me seriously again.