Friday, November 26, 2004


so... i'm home. again. and yes it feels wierd. but some is good. i can eat whenever i want (although i haven't had an appetite lately) and... i can SLEEP NAKED!! probably my favorite part of coming home. so great. plus i can wear one pair of pants for five days. and nobody calls me on it. i heart home.

anyhow, yesterday was thanksgiving. we (my family + family friends) used to have a golf tournament on thanksgiving. one year my mom asked me to organize it. since then, we have done bowling. mwahahahaha. i think since i've been at college i've gotten better at bowling! it doesn't make sense, if anything i should get better at not sleeping, or stealing fudgesicles.

but kids- listen up! I bowled three strikes! and not only three strikes, my friends, but THREE STRIKES IN A ROW! hot dang! you know what that's called? it's called A TURKEY! how fitting. i bowled a turkey on thanksgiving. at our middle school youth group we used to do bowling with cornish game hens on the youth group before thanksgiving... my life somehow begins to make sense. Sometimes i get a little glimpse of how my life all does fit together. bowling... turkey... cornish game hens... this is the stuff of life!

We also had some serious bowling trash talking. you know it. i was queen of the lanes, bitches!! respek. then i won a 'fruit medley' for my high score. well, i was chocolate covered fruit. and i tied w/ noodles (his name is actually newly... whatever...) for my medley. he kept it, which means we'll have to hang out sometime so i can enjoy the spoils of war- er- bowling. probably for the notre dame game. then someone can finally explain football to me!!! no longer will i be ignorant!!!

Anyhow, afterwards my family served at a church for a thanksgiving lunch for homeless people. i'm pretty chill around homeless people, except when they smell. NO GOOD. seriously. but most of them were ok. i actually saw two of them tonight at seven eleven. once again- it's all coming together. like 100 years of solitude. time = cyclical! then after the homeless shelter it was back to home for dinner. yay. then we (me and the kids that came over... i was definitely the oldest one there) watched "The Road to El Dorado"- definitely underrated!! it's so funny!! well, the romantic interest is a whore par excellence (as my religion teacher would say), but it's a keeper. warning: i liked scooby doo... so please don't listen to me.

Today I went to go see National Treasure- wonderful! so exciting. except the girl who HAS too hook with nicholas cage. i mean she's pretty and everything, but there wasn't an ending kiss. like the climax kiss (hooray we can all go home satisfied). he's helping her though this scary tunnel thing and he's like, *pulls her back* *kiss* and then she's like, *look into eyes* *keep walking down scary tunnel*. I mean, it was basically uncalled for, unexpected, and unappreciated. i was expecting something a little better. or, you know, she can always hook up with Riley, the sidekick/ comic relief character. i liked him a lot. the dialogue was facts about american history or freemasons, or comic relief one-liner. so pretty worthless. but all the same, I LOVED IT! yay movies. yay dad paying for movies!


i hung out with joe. for an hour and a half at the creamery. and we only got milkshakes. but the people were nice and kept refilling my water. plus joe took a picture of me and it looked really hot. that made me feel good. we talked about lots of stuff, some i won't tell you about, the rest was me whining about my life and joe telling me what i already knew but needed to hear from somebody else. joe and god are definitely in cahoots. seriously. i wish i could be that cool. and that not-on-the-prowl.

joe's the hottest person/guy at Oregon i decided. well, we decided. collectively. they (some girls) are making a calendar of guys at the Oregon honors college. And I am proud to annouce.... I have convinced Joe to do it! he wasn't so sure before. but i did a little convincing, and i am proud to say that I know Mr. May. we did some poses at the creamery. the people looked at us... rather, OOGLED at us! awesomeness all around. then we paid our bill, went outside, had a marathon hug, and i went on my way.

the castilleja people were hanging out at barrone's. but they'd left by the time claudia and i got there. probably because THEY SUCK (yeah, maddy, that means you). so i went home. and now i'm home. and i'll have dinner soon. yeah, being home is fun. i don't want to go back. i want food and laundry whenever i desire!! plus i need more clothes. two pairs of pants doesn't quite cut it at college... sadly...

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