Tuesday, October 02, 2007

casimir pulaski day II

I have a programming class. It is horrible. And part of me loves the professor who is super nice and keeps a tea stash in his office. and part of me thinks, "if you were actually a good lecturer, not the incomprehensible whatever you're doing now, I wouldn't have to email you or come to your office hours every day to understand this." what to do... oh yeah, spend every waking hour in the lab working on these programs. i guess it's worked out so far?

I'm going to Indiana this weekend- yay!


Bridget said...

programming classes will always suck, everywhere. maybe not for everyone, but for me and i guess for you too. the good thing is it doesn't last forever, and then you'll never have to use it again. or at least i didn't so i hope the same holds for you.

Catherine said...

Can't wait to see you this weekend! We'll have to do something fun together.