Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the heart of life

so... true story about lindy's being a moron

[at a professor's office hours]
me: hi, I have a question about our 204 homework.
professor: ok
me: also, will we be getting our dynamics midterms back tomorrow?
professor: yes. you did well.
me: I thought so.

WHAT?? "I thought so"?! I am a total d-bag moron face. (now that I know joe happens upon my blog I can't use the d-word but you know what it is). I did actually think I did well, but to say it like that? I got it back today, with a 94/100, and whipped out my camera phone to take a picture of it and send it to my mom and dad. So, while I may be a doofus and apparently full of myself, I still get my gratification from my parents. I think I'll put it on the fridge for a while.


Catherine said...

so you admitted that you were confident that you did well on a midterm. It's that better that admitting you had no idea what any of the answers were?

Lindy Lois said...

yeah, I guess so. it just seemed so self-centered and pompous.

but actually, we do problems in class and he's always like, "one point extra credit to whoever gets the correct answer first" which (and this will sound horrible) is me part of the time. I by no means have the majority, but at least a plurality, you know? So I've taken to getting the answer, then doing it again, because when I put my pencil down he's like, "Linda? Did you get it? Wow, you have lot of extra credit points" which makes me sort of cringe.

this is the first time I've had to pretend to be stupider/slower than I am. shouldn't I have gotten over that in middle school? feck.

Lise M. said...

This infuriates me! Why is your confidence in your ablity aomething to be denied!?! Don't you ever "pretend to be stupid"... unless it gets you a better seat in the lifeboat! Hinding your light under a bushel is a sin, too, you know...