Thursday, March 22, 2007

greater san jose metropolitan area

BUT SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS WHAT THE FECK. don't only 7 year olds get head lice? I have to like send a letter home with everyone in my classes- "your child may have been exposed to head lice" it is so EMBARASSING! but at the same time I also think it's a courtesy to tell people. because if brookin's hadn't told me I would have just thought I had itchy dandruff and then spread it further. plus bugs in hair- EW.

I thought it was like teen pregnancy- you avoid it when you're young, you avoid it forever! but lice strikes UNEXPECTED and certainly uncalled for and does not discriminate. I'm still upset, and afraid to lay my head down on anything. I also wish my mom was here to comb through my hair for 3 hours to make sure they're all gone. I'm afraid they'll hatch. Then organize. Then divide and conquer. but this gem did come out of the experience with the creme rinse.

"I am massaging my scalp in fear!"
"Me too! Out of sheer terror that they'll come back."

at least we went through it (are still going through it) together. someday when I'm a very intelligent scientist/engineer, I'm going to make a better treatment for head lice- specifically, for getting rid of it. like... what we do right now is tweezing. every nit individually. soon it'll be more like waxing. they're just all gone. a lice magnet. sweet. but also gross.


Henry said...

It is important that in times like these your sense of humor stays in tact. Which it seems it has.

Don't you want to track back and back and back to find the origin? Did you tell USC student health services? They should know, ya know? Head lice will go through a dormitory like shit through a blue goose.

Ya know, the clean livin' midwest has nearly eradicated lice...true.

Good luck with this. Sounds like a pain in the ass. But from now on anytime someone complains about someone nit-picking, you can tell them how hard it really is!

Catherine said...

Did you know that they are developing a new lice treatment is basically a real hot hairdryer that kills the lice? Apparently there are some lice that has developed resistance to chemical treatments so they are trying to develop non-chemical treatments.