Friday, December 30, 2005

i don't know how to put this all into words

i am in west lafayette right now, with my family at my grandma's house. she's in a hospital, and she's been there since thanksgiving or so, so when we we got to the house there wasn't very much food... i am with:

thomas ("i am dirty the dirty is warm"- explaining why he wasn't as cold as i was in chicago)

then we found an unopened orange juice in her fridge. it was a week past the expiration date, but it wasn't opened...

myself ("orange juice without pulp... tang's older brother")
greg ("hey i found some fiber one!"- he's a wrestler which means he doesn't eat)
john ("fiber one?... we could be eating poo! we are eating tang and poo for dinner")

mom ("so greg how does this chicken ceasar salad compare to the one you had for lunch?"- haha he can't eat)

dad (" "- he drives us places, and he does talk but it's late and i can't remember anything right now)

we had some fiber one, and some orange juice. we found some reese's puffs and had some of those, too. we made dial-up noises while mom connected her laptop so i could check email, etc. the midwest is treating me well.

Monday, December 26, 2005


i'm leaving for chicago tomorrow. i already told brooke i'll bring her back some pizza- though by then it'll just be a hunk of congealed fat, cheese, soggy bread, and some tomato paste. the request still stands.

and if i return in one piece (like metals, i will shatter more easily under low temperatures- say, for instance, thirty three which feels like twenty four because of wind chill), i'll bring you all the story of how i survived. right now i'm planning on wearing all of my clothes on top of each other and waddling and/or rolling around chicago. oh yeah.

i'm gonna go watch blues brothers. somehow that will prepare me for chicago... yes.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


last night i went to a hockey game with my dad and two of my brothers. at first i was a little horrified at the fighting, and that people enjoyed it.

but, as the hot dog and soda sank in, and as the game progressed scoreless, i told my dad, "i want the goalies to fight and that's how they'll end it!!" i was way aggressive.

then i came home and finished the rest of the milk! i drank it from the carton! watch out, you never know what i'll do next.

Thursday, December 22, 2005



what, no i am not competitive...

Friday, December 16, 2005


i was pmsing, which sucked for all parties involved. here is a loose play-by-play

around 12 or 1 p.m., before we left
brooke: "i think i'm gonna go with daisies, roses remind me too much of blood... and death... and pain... and funerals-"
me: "and love?"
brooke: "yeah that too i guess"

2 or 3 p.m., just on the road
[the opening chords of 'under the bridge' come on the radio]
john: "wait, before we sing, who gets the background vocals at the end?"
me: "i don't really car-"
john :"ok then me!"

6:30 p.m.
me: "do it"
and we proceed to do chinese fire drills betwen the two cars on 152 west (yes it was that backed up, we were about ten cars away from each other)

9 p.m.
john: "ooh fresh nor cal air..."
me: "word. you can cut socal air with a knife. and serve it on a platter with water crackers."
john: "i don't trust any air i can't see."

we got home, we unpacked, i gave greg one of his christmas presents because i really hate waiting for christmas to give other people their presents. now i'm going to bed tomorrow = gelb music to fix my guitar, greg's wrestling match (ooooh little brother in wrestling onesie, can't wait!! i'm gonna whistle!), choir, children's ministries stuff, etc. etc. oh man, nor cal truly = best.

so... basically i'm a man? is that what i'm getting here?

Your Career Type: Realistic

You are practical and mechanical.Your talents lie in working with tools, mechanical or electrical drawings, machines, or animals.
You would make an excellent:
Carpenter - Diesel Mechanic - ElectricianFarmer - Fire Fighter - Flight EngineerForester - Locksmith - Locomotive EngineerPilot - Police Officer - Truck Driver

The worst career options for your are social careers, like social worker or teacher.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

pardon my anglais

tonight greg asked me what he should get for his girlfriend for christmas. and after much thinking and asking brooke, joe, and ashley, i came up with the following: get a disposable camera and a photo album and plan a day together. Because they haven't been going out for very long, so it's a good way to get to know her better and then have awesome memories!

oh man, i just want to date myself! or have a girlfriend!... or not!

brooke and i have totally volunteered to go to the beach with them for a day (no drivers license, haha on you little brother), aid the puppy love. le swoon.

in other love news, i'm sure our respective roommates think brooke and i are lesbians together. this just in: we're not. despite my feminist literature and PURPLE van and entire indigo girls collection and all femaleartists mix tape and never having had a boyfriend, i am in fact straight. so any of brooke's roommates, if you're reading this: fear not. brooke and i actually do homework when we hang out! we don't 'do homework...'.

ok, now that that's settled, i'm gonna do me some math homework!

more badass from the tat


Subject: Roof work on Habitat Soo Zee

Hi Keity,

I am a tenant in Habitat Soo Zee, and I am extremely upset by the roof work being done on the building. Yes, it is noisy, yes, it starts very early, but most importantly it is being done during finals. This, in my opinion, is unacceptable. You scheduled the work to be done late in November, and for whatever reason it has been postponed until now, when sleep and concentration - both integral for finals - are thwarted by the work being done.

I called the office yesterday, when your staff told me they do not make any plans with regard to USC's schedule. I know you call yourself "The Premier Housing Provider for USC Students", so you must realize that the majority if not all of your tenants go to USC. How can you hope to become the "Premier" if you do not take into account the USC schedule? The schedule is easily knowable, you can find it here:, and you will notice that only six days out of every semester are set aside for finals. Can you not also set aside these days to respect the tenants and cease all work being done on buildings?

I believe that stopping the work, and never scheduling work done during finals in the future, is the only option that respects the tenants, whom you admit are all USC students, and hope to become "The Premier Housing Provider for USC Students".

I would like a courtesy email or phone call to let me know you have received and processed this letter, and what you plan to do about respecting USC students' schedule in the future.

Thank you,
Lindy [don't put last name or it pops up on google]

this one's takin me to vegas, baby! or at least to a happier, quieter place... a place i thought was my apartment building.

Monday, December 12, 2005


We respect and never forget that the latch of the heart is within.

- Dallas Willard

Sunday, December 11, 2005

love is a strong word

today was like... a trigonometric function.

i was going to say roller coaster, but because time is linear, i have to go with a trigonometric function. it had its ups and down.

down includes but is not limited to: getting a flat on the 10 west on the way to church, pulling over for said flat tire, calling AAA, getting Metro people to come help us, metro people don't have the right tool... neither do AAA people, getting towed off, going to pep boys and they tell us it's a 5 hour wait for a new tire. and by that time it was 12:30

up includes but is not limited to: getting to ride in the car being towed!!! awesome!!! john picking some of us (those w/ plans) up, caroline picking us up in her sweetass convertible at pico and overland, going to a badass arts and crafts bazaar with steve, kristin, lisa, kelsey, talking about if 'love' is too strong a word to apply to fishsticks, and winning a cake in the cake walk.

overall, the day was good. and in about an hour or so i'm gonna try again for church. maybe this time i'll make it.

Friday, December 09, 2005

sweet sister

you know what's bitchin?

i got some energy drink from promotional people as i was leaving the gym and i was like, "eww gross who are you?" because i really hate energy drinks. i am mostly just suspicious of them, because they're like, "we have no calories, only chemicals!!"


i was reading it as i biked home, and i can totally identify and draw the molecules of like half of those chemicals!! heck yes materials science!! that's the bitchin part.

turn around bright eyes

i went with andrew (horning, aka hoho) to see narnia tonight, which by the way is fantastic. but i didn't realize how blatantly religious it is. I mean, i always knew but the entire time hoho and i were like, "oh! call on me! i know i know!" we had our theology hats on.

but the best part i would have to say was when they're going across this river that's quickly melting, so they have to jump from ice piece to ice piece and hoho leans over and he's like, "most extreme elimination challenge!"

because it was. oh, and i have a total crush on the guy who plays peter. he's 15 i bet... but as we all know, i do like the young'ns. (brooke that was for you).

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

wanna hear a funny story?

ok, i'll tell you one then.

for the a.g.o. formal, steve invited me and we weren't dates but i was like, "i'm totally getting him a boutonniere" (spelling?) so I went over to cesar's flowers (next to bistango... waaaay ghetto), and I ordered a yellow rose with prettiness around it. On monday afternoon I went to pick it up, and they were like, "oh... yellow rose..." and hadn't made it yet. I even gave them a pick-up time, which I came after! yeah well.

so they come out with this sad yellow rose. It was fresh, it wasn't wilting or anything, but it hadn't opened. It was all closed up. I walked about ten feet out of the door, then i went back in.

"This rose is really... sad... and not open, do you have anything else?"
"this rose is really sad and closed up."
"well, it's very fresh!"
"Yeah, but do you have any that aren't as fresh, that are more opened up?"
"well, it will open up... in about a day or do"

yes, i said it. and she looked at me. and i looked at her, and i conceded. I had sounded like a sophomore going to homecoming and there isn't even any dancing at a.g.o. so really i was also a big liar.

i went back to the tat, and laura came over to do my hair and make-up (which looked fantastic by the way, but i wanted less make-up only for my own selfish reasons that i feel more comfortable). then john came over and we were discussing the tragic yellow rose. and john, prophet that he is/isn't, was like, "oh, if you microwave it it'll open up i've heard." and i'm going through it in my head, it sort of makes sense. Molecules gain more energy and separate when heated... why wouldn't rose petal?

genius, thinks I, nuke that thing!

John put it in for about 20 seconds... and I didn't notice too much of a difference. I think cumulatively we heated it for a full minute. no difference made, of course. So I closed its box back up and we walked over to a.g.o. Of course, the heat caused condensation in the box, so it was full of warm water vapor, which got onto the rose. so by the time it got to steve, the top half was all wet and wilty... exactly what i'd wanted to avoid...

i still think he wore it with pride. no one else had a boutonniere. and in a blind world, the man with one eye (and by one eye i mean one sad rose) is KING!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"pretty good idea" (brian goodwin)

i can't find the lyrics, i think these are them...

I've let these rocks speak for me far too long
and this cold just won't do for me anymore
I'm tired of speech far too common,
drowning out the words I need to hear

In a world so misty
do you think that you could just stay clear?
what do I think
what do I think about dying to myself?
well that sounds like a pretty good idea

I want you to be through me
I want you to breathe through me

I've let these rocks speak for me far too long
and this cold just won't do for me anymore
I'm tired of speech far too common,
drowning out the words I need to hear

In a world so misty
do you think that you could just stay clear?
what do I think

what do I think about dying to myself?
well that sounds like a pretty good idea

I want you to be through me
I want you to breathe through me
I want you to speak through me
I want you to see through me

If there remain any crown upon my head
then I will lay it down at your feet
If there remain any crown upon my head
then I will lay it down at your feet
If there remain any crown upon my head
then I will lay it down at your feet
If there remain any crown upon my head
then I will lay it down at your feet

I want you to breathe through me
I want you to be through me
I want you to speak through me
I want you to see through me

splash zone

dear a.g.o.,

I love you. Again. I know I've told you in the past, but for reals. Love. From my heart to your root beer kegged, christmas decorated frat house. I mean it. I'd send flowers if that weren't so... faux pas.


Friday, December 02, 2005

you may not squeeze my business

this is why brooke and i are friends:

1. we love trader joe's
2. we know all the sweet spots of the trader joe's frozen food aisle
3. we know to use paper, not plastic
4. we know to single bag, instead of wasting paper

oh that and our love of ashlee simpson. yesssssss

beautiful as you feel

i was in a campus cruiser coming home tonight, and it was full, but it was all people who didn't know each other. so we were sitting at a red light, all silent because it's 1 a.m. and none of us is drunk, so no one's really talking. then this commercial comes on. "Isn't it amazing the difference one week can make? Last week, my toenails were so thick and yellow, but I started using Dr. Scholl's fungus treatment-" and then i bust out laughing. because we were trying to not be awkward, and intently listening to some fungus treatment commercial to keep from having to strike up conversation. which is sick, but comical. sickly comical.

then we were all snickering, and our driver changed the station. and i arrived home safely. it was a good end to the night.