Saturday, September 13, 2008


I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning and thought, "twelve hours until kickoff!"

We left for the Colisseum at 6 a.m. and waited in line until around 1:30 when they let us in. The longest part by far was sitting in the Colisseum for four hours (turns out kick0ff wasn't until closer to 5:30) in the hot sun.

But the best part was when there was 1:18 left in the fourth quarter, usc is up by 32 points, and my little sis Sarah turns to me and says, "I think the buckeyes can still come back... NEXT YEAR!" and we laughed and laughed and then went home. fight on indeed!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

physical (you're so)

rush is going well as my general health deteriorates (sleep? who needs it). I spent a while in the lab today while SolidWorks 2008 continued to crash. I just moved back to 2007, it was too much trouble (even though now I'm more used to 2008! gosh darn you graphics cards. i decided to blame the graphics card)

I'm making a model for my Senior Lab Design class, I'm excited about machining my pieces and using the 3-D printer and all that mechanical jazz. but I'm a little more excited about my lab goggles that i bedazzled. I found adhesive gems at Joann's and went to town (but not in my direct line of sight because, I mean, safety is paramount)

I think this semester is going to turn out well. so long as I never ever waste time by, say, blogging.