Monday, July 17, 2006

kitty alexander

Mom: "Lin have you given any thought to what raincoat you want?" [for Scotland]
Lindy: "No, not really. I mean to me it doesn't make sense to get one when it's just more to carry and I'm not sure what kind I'll want, you know? Do you think it's important that I get one before I leave?"
Mom: "Yeah, well that makes sense for a wintercoat, but I think it's safe to get a raincoat here."
Lindy: "Those are different things?"

somebody get this girl out of california!!!!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

hee hee- yeah you'll want a raincoat- it rains freakin' every day!
ok it's been beautiful this summer, still we don't leave the house without a raincoat.
rei makes some nice gore-tex ones that have fleece you can zip in and out- it's a combo winter coat and raincoat!