Tuesday, May 30, 2006

heal over

we (dad + me) dropped off spartacus at the mechanic's because his radiator is leaking (or so we presume/fear), and went to the hardware store. where he proceeded to purchase items on his thought-out list and where i proceeded to drool and wander aimlessly while the people who work there asked if i needed any help. HARDWARE STORES OF THE WORLD- WHY ARE YOU SO FREAKIN COOL?!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


john is coming home this weekend. x-3 comes out tomorrow. coincidence? I THINK NOT. sweet cuppin cakes- i am so excited for this movie!!!!

Monday, May 22, 2006


i am a complete failure. macaroons elude me at every turn/recipe. same for corn bread. same for getting clearance to take the math and physics classes i have to take this summer. no placement test for those levels = long conversations with people who don't know what they're talking about. PEOPLE I WOULD NOT BE TAKING CALC 3 AND ELEC/MAGN IF I DID NOT FEEL PREPARED. actually, if i had my way i would not be taking these classes at all. but that is a different matter.


Friday, May 19, 2006

brownie cheesecake

i'm in new york, and am happy to report that this city is absolutely overflowing with firemen. i would say hot firemen, but that is too redundant, non? i think i will take some with me to scotland, i'm not sure if they have firemen there (gasp!)

however, there is an inordinate amount of pregnant women! everywhere you look- preggers! it's like embryotic overpopulation!! i mean, yay babies but seriously they're taking over.

and now i'm going to bed.

Monday, May 15, 2006


i got home, my dad was cleaning off one of the side tables by the pool and the glass fell in. john and i raced to see who could put on a bathing suit first (i won because i am what we call 'organized' and i found it right away), we jumped in the pool and after two attempts and multiple water-filled noses, I got the glass to the top (which was hard considering i couldn't grip it but had to bring it up vertically or the water pressure was too strong).

it's funny how the entire time i was thinking, "this *shiver* was a bad idea", but in retrospect and after putting conditioner in my hair, it was awesome. and i love being home for summer.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

white ladder

today i went through an entire tank of gas, drank some champagne, smoked a cigar, and got two blisters. summer degeneration has begun.

Friday, May 12, 2006

strawberry shortcake

last night john and i went to dinner, and we went back to my apartment. and along the downstairs hallway there was this long cat 5 cable running from one unit to another one at the other end of the hallway.

john: "what is that?"
lindy: "a cat 5 cable"
john: "i know. what are they doing?"
lindy: "i don't know."
john: "they're probably playing a networking game online or something."
lindy: "let's detach it."

so i did. i knelt down, took it out of the connector socket, and RAN. up the stairs, fumbled with my keys, burst into my apartment, melted into laughter on my futon. because summer hits and i go NUTS. john said i sounded like a drunken hippo when i was running. so... not graceful? we'll work on that.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

if only

oooh he is so beautiful
this is my beautiful brother thomas:

he doesn't usually dress up like a little girl, this is just a special occasion - halloween (also his birthday!) he wrote a math song, i think it's to the tune of "wake me up when september ends" by green day (he's young, we can forgive him).

some notes:
1. ENTV is something they do before math, probably a district thing.
2. Joe is his best friend, and a very well-mannered 5th grader.
3. STAR testing is standardized testing at the end of the year for the district.
4. Skilled in math or huge ego? you decide.

Math Song III

Fractions have come and passed, Exponents went by so fast!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!
Like 5th graders before me, subtracting correctly is the key
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Here comes the test again, it's my greatest foe
See who's the best aain, and it's most likely Joe!

As my grade comes to an A, I'm very smart, believe what I say
Wake me up when ENTV ends!


Ring out the end of recess bell, so I can go to math or I'll rebel!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Here comes the pop quiz again, I hope I get an A
see who's the class whiz again, and I am it's safe to say!

STAR testing is soon to come, all those snacks I need to succumb!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Here comes the STAR test again, snacks included,
See who's the very best again, and I'm probably not excluded.

Summer Vacation is upon us, camp, hiking, smores and canoeing
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Now to Hillview Middle School, I can act older and really cool
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Like 6th graders before me, memorizing the mathematical important E [sic: e? euler's number? baby doll you won't get there until college. when it systematicall attacks you *points to self* case in point]
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Onto college, the greatest school, to go to Stanford can't be a fool [sic: oh bay area kid]
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

This song written by Tom Liggett, if you want a song he is the ticket
Wake him up when ENTV ends!

Wake me up when ENTV ends!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!


Friday, May 05, 2006


tonight, for the first time ever, i ate the entire thing of carne asade nachos from chano's. is it possible that PMS gives me super powers?!?

and now i really want to see mission impossible 3... I AM INVINCIBLE!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

cinnamon raisin

if you don't mind i'm going to be swimming in a little funk for the next hour or so. i got four flats of cookies. FOUR FLATS. that is 16 dozen is 192 cookies!! and about half of them went to charitable cause a.g.o. costs are about $100 with cookies, milk, ice cream, napkins, cups, etc.. I collected $13. net loss: $87 and cookies ate: 6.


but on the bright side some girls in my bible study, and john, came by. i wish i had failure immunity. even better would be if awesome music played while i had it, like in super mario bros.

Monday, May 01, 2006

this is not a political debate, this is just lindy wanting some sweet-ass carne asade nachos

tonight john called to go out to dinner. "where?" says he. "bistango" says i. and we go. only to find (gasp!) a huge line at bistango. "where now?" says he. "chano's!" says i. so we turn around to the glory of the shack when-

CHANO'S WAS CLOSED!!! it was crazy. i wept bitterly. chano's is never closed! i go at high noon, it's open. early when i go running it's open. i don't eat then, but i could. theoretically. it's open when i go at 3 a.m.- chano's is never closed!!! but it was tonight. john looked down the street- fatburger closed, too (i wouldn't have gone there, i hate the name). i turn back around- la taquiza is closed!!

now, i'm not very political- but please please congressmen and women, do NOT let this immigration bill pass! i need my carne asada nachos!!! this was the saddest may 1st ever. go ahead, immigrants, protest and "si se puede" to your corazon's content- but just give me back my chano's!