Friday, June 24, 2005


dear lovers,

i have taken to calling everyone "lover" now. it's wierd, it probably makes other uncomfortable. OH WELL!

tomorrow i'm heading off to wildhorse for a week of wonderfulness in oregon. that's all. yay.



NEVER lose ANYTHING at hillsdale shopping center. because if you DO succeed in getting it back (after multiple phone calls and time spent waiting to speak to managers), you will have wasted a good 2 hours in time and everyone involved will probably think you are an uptight bitch.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005


nothing really happens in my life really, but i have met someone really cool! he works with me, his name is tony. i've known him for a while b/c he was a day camp counselor with me a few summers ago, but working with him is AWESOME.

first off, he won a car on 'the price is right', which automatically propels him to the category of perpetually awesome.

i'll share a story (doesn't involve the car): so we were driving to the oasis in joe's car today (me, katie, joe, tony, ben, eric- all interns with me), and we were passing all the restaurant on santa cruz ave. deciding where we could go for another lunch some time. sayeth tony:

"oooh, bistro vida. what's that?"
"oh it's really good."
"we should get something there some time!"
"it's really expensive."
"we should split something there some time!"

i was like, "YOU ARE SO COOL!" but not out loud. i just think he rocks- as do the rest of my coworkers. hehe, i said 'coworkers'... i also ordered something from the bar today at the O! ok so it was a martinelli's... that's still from the bar! lindy= rebel.

Monday, June 20, 2005


i was like, "oh well i'm really tired from mini day camp and i'm feeling like crap- tonight would be a good night to go to bed early"

BUT then i remembered we were going out for dinner, because it's my dad's birthday. I told him he should reject the wine after he tasted it at the table- you know, just because it's his birthday. he wasn't too into that.

BUT then some random friends came with us. i had never met these people before!! and, bloated as i was, i had to make a nice first impression

we left for dinner at 6:30
we came home around 9
they finally left at 10:45

... and somehow i lived to tell the tale...

where do i sign?

so i hate being a girl.

yesterday i went shopping. and, prudently, it soon turned to bra shopping. i was out for, oh, 2 and a half hours. and how many bras did i buy? ZERO. none. i couldn't find one bra i liked. i put them on, jumped and moved all around the dressing room, and they all failed. the only thing i DID buy, facewash from body shop, i left in victoria's secret.

speaking of face wash, i'm breaking out like crazy. why, you ask? because it's the first day of my period, which means i'm also bloated like a huge hippo. I'm bustin out of my mini day camp shirt. After camp today, I was sooo hungry- but i was so bloated! it was wierd and really sucked. because i knew i should eat something, but i felt like i was going to burst/die.

so i went to the goose with my dad for his birthday... afterwards i worked out hoping the bloating would go away. no sirree. working out only gets rid of cramps. bloated treadmilling sucks.

grr... no more being a girl. i'm putting my ovaries up for sale. (ok that was gross- but seriously. i'm in such a foul mood.)

i'm gonna shower and go back to hillsdale to retreive my facewash. OH WAIT. john took the car. so i'm stuck. with just my cramps to keep me company. grrrrrr.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

conflict resolution

stage: backyard, at the grill by the pool slide

[lauren]: dave, dave! they're hogging the slide! make them get off!
[my dad]: well... are you bigger?
[lauren]: ... yes
[my dad]: well... are you going to push them off or not?

the sounds of summer... EXCEPT THAT IT'S RAINING!! WHAT THE CRAP!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

who wants a cookie?

thomas got a haircut today. so when i came home and gave him a kiss on his head, i got a mouthful of split ends.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

full contact tackle shuffleboard

and then i want to work at the womens museum
so i don't want to go to usc anymore- i don't like it at all
or maybe i'll study education
and gender studies
and economics
and i wish there weren't poverty and discrimination against women
or any bad things in the world
so i should study economics and fix everything
but change starts small
which is why i'm in children's ministries in the first place
because they are small
but god is big.

and i want to do everthing!
i want to do it all!
i want to study everything and be everything
i want to wear sweats every day
AND business suits with heels every day
and be all on my own and have a family and friends
i want to be in the big time making real tangible changes
and influencing interest rates
but i want to be small

i guess in the end i just want to be important.
and i can't decide for myself what is the most important
or what is best for me to do
because i get so easily confused.

and then eventually i remember that god has a plan for me
and i have to trust that it's a good one.
but it can take me a long time to remember that
so in the mean time i freak out and start filling out transfer applications
or get intimidated by the world and eat some otter pops
and i'm even intimidated by the blue otter pops

le sigh. god has a plan for me. but i wish i knew what it was. then it would be easier for me to trust he's going to be good to me and take care of me. i don't like fending for myself in the world, it sucks and is overwhelming. but i'm glad i remembered he has a plan for me. i can leave my class schedule alone now and watch reno 911.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


i had a crazy dream last night. even crazier is that i remembered it, i don't tend to do that.

anyhow, we (i was the only person i recognized in my dream) were in a classroom discussing greek vs. english grammar. and this one guy was SO smart and taking all my answers. i, of course, was like, "hubba hubba!!" what a wierd dream...

what an accurate dream...

Saturday, June 11, 2005


i don't have anything to say. i did have things to say, but i can't remember them now. but i do have a funny calculus joke!!! unfortunately, it would be a little hard to tell on the blog. so next time you see me (and have brushed up on your liebnitz notation!!) ask me and i'll tell you.

and for the record, i did get it from my cousin who goes to m.i.t. (and is hence really smart), who is currently living in SEATTLE for the summer (and is hence really cool).

Thursday, June 09, 2005

"Hit Me With Your Best Shot" (Pat Benatar)

well you're a real though cookie with a long history
of breaking little hearts like the one in me
that's o.k., let's see how you do it
put up your dukes, let's get down to it!

hit me with your best shot
why don't you hit me with your best shot
hit me with your best shot
fire away!

you come on with a come on, you don't fight fair
but that's o.k., see if i care!
knock me down, it's all in vain
i'll get right back on my feet again!

hit me with your best shot
why don't you hit me with your best shot
hit me with your best shot
fire away!

well you're a real tough cookie with a long history
of breaking little hearts like the one in me
before i put another notch in my lipstick case
you better make sure to put me in my place

hit me with your best shot
come on, hit me with your best shot
hit me with your best shot
fire away!

consider it a pre-emptive post/strike.

Monday, June 06, 2005


another exciting development in the world of LINDY!

...changed my classes again...

core 101
econ 340
math 125
itp 101x (an econ requirement... ick nerds)

i didn't realize itp is a 4 unit course... so i can only take one econ class. i did consider dropping my last class, adding an econ class, and taking 2o units. but, of course, masochism is so over-rated, mais non? mais-be. (ok that was a stretch- deal with it). i could do it. who knows. i'm soooo unpredictable!

Friday, June 03, 2005


so i think i got rid of the virus... but i do get some random pop-ups now. and they correspond to the websites i'm visiting (like, all this online school stuff comes up if i'm on the usc website...) so it's obviously spyware. I HATE MEAN PEOPLE WHO WANT TO MISUSE MY COMPUTER!!!

i thought i should take a harder class load this semester. so i dropped my history of jazz class (my diversity requirement, i'll take care of it some spring semester) so i can take another econ class (economics of less developed countries!!), and changed a macro class to a micro one.

not that any of this matters to you- but i'm excited. and i can always bail and take the easier classes again! yeah, i need to get a life. too bad that conflicts with my working 8-5 and on weekends thing...

Thursday, June 02, 2005


i am so sorry to everyone ever.

i am sorry if you got random stupid IMs last night from me. my computer has a virus, and I left it on last night.

I am really sorry and until i get this figured out I'm not going to use my computer or anything. which makes me sad.

I'm also really sorry if you clicked on any of those links or anything... because... that means you probably have the virus, too.

again, i'm sorry. see you later.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


today i woke up and went to the kitchen for breakfast. upon my arrival, my dad and little brothers looked up from the table.

"How about we pierce her ears?" He clicked the staple remover in his hand fiercely. "Double piercing, eh? How about that?"

And people ask me why I don't mind going to work at 8 a.m....