Thursday, October 07, 2004

fast times at usc

hey. hanson played this afternoon at tommy trojan. yes, hanson. They have secretly (to some) been making amazing music for the last 7 years behind our backs! and the indigo girls will have a run for their money. and their awesome harmonies. plus i can harbor a little crush on the youngest hanson (obviously, the other two are funny looking) and i don't see myself having a crush on emily or amy any time soon...

everyone, deep down, is a hanson fan. it's true, although they don't admit it. a little marshmallow of joy: lovely paul is a hanson fanatic. kid you not. I asked everyone as they came into class today, "Hanson: yes or no?" and everyone was like, "noooo!" (p.s. they are dummies) except paul. "hanson? yes!" so i broke him the news of their concert. his face lights up, he looks absolutely dumbstruck and can only manage a "today?" well you learn something new everyday! so would i consider our 10 minutes at the show a date? heck yes i would!


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