Tuesday, October 26, 2004


i am sick. i feel sick. i am skipping guitar. it's raining outside and my room smells but i can't open the window (aforementioned precipitation). ewww. just thought i'd let you all know.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

human being

how can i call myself a human being? ducky is so from pretty in pink, i know that... what was i thinking? i'm so sorry. maybe i should post when i actually have something to say and am coherent, not when i just want to procrastinate. at 1:30 in the morning.

i'm sorry. everybody go listen to the zutons. it'll make you feel better. in fact, i'm feeling better already. if you have windows media player you can listen to the whole cd (that's what i'm doing, hahaha)


so i was on this plane... and they show the sitcoms that you'd never watch otherwise. and i was watching the 'charlie sheen sitcom' because nobody knows its name it just has charlie sheen and we leave it at that.


because who comes on screen but ducky! duckie. y. ie. however you spell it. sixteen candles ducky/ie! I almost spat out my nasty dry peanuts (well i'd spit that out no matter what the circumstances. no wonder delta is having financial troubles, their peanuts suck)

now i didn't love sixteen candles. mostly because at the end, the climax, molly ringwald's dress is hideous. how does she respect herself in the morning? also because she ends up with preppy guy (andrew? does he deserve a name other than 'preppy guy'?) instead of... yes, instead of ducky.

this, of course, leaves him completely open to me. and i have been functioning under this guise for a while. until i see him on my nasty dry peanut flight. possibly because he stands in the glory of charlie sheen ducky does not shine as before, but he is scrawny and polo-shirted. I was dismayed. ducky, my one true love! when i have a crush on a boy, i ride my bike in front of his house a hundred times...

well. so where does this leave us? nowhere really, here's a cool quotation (noun not verb!) from freyan's blog: "i realized that they meant raining raining where the world looks all fresh and silly people run around w/umbrellas everywhere and i just grin and grin. shakespeare boy didn't show again. stupid boy. i have only a few months left to befriend him/marry him etc."

yes, those apparently are adjacent thoughts. all the more power to her. no more procrastination, i must write my paper! (as i told tina, it's more like severe editing)

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

fun with christianity

hey. i haven't updated in a while. so why not steal someone else's post? You all need to check this out.

yeah, stuff is good it's kind of cold. My new favorite book is "Seven Theories of Religion" by Daniel L. Pals. Religion 301 is taking a turn for the better.

Also, I found the quarter machine in Leavey Library... i can do laundry again! (always good)

Thursday, October 07, 2004

fast times at usc

hey. hanson played this afternoon at tommy trojan. yes, hanson. They have secretly (to some) been making amazing music for the last 7 years behind our backs! and the indigo girls will have a run for their money. and their awesome harmonies. plus i can harbor a little crush on the youngest hanson (obviously, the other two are funny looking) and i don't see myself having a crush on emily or amy any time soon...

everyone, deep down, is a hanson fan. it's true, although they don't admit it. a little marshmallow of joy: lovely paul is a hanson fanatic. kid you not. I asked everyone as they came into class today, "Hanson: yes or no?" and everyone was like, "noooo!" (p.s. they are dummies) except paul. "hanson? yes!" so i broke him the news of their concert. his face lights up, he looks absolutely dumbstruck and can only manage a "today?" well you learn something new everyday! so would i consider our 10 minutes at the show a date? heck yes i would!


Monday, October 04, 2004

When You're on Top (The Wallflowers)

I need a bed
That nobody's slept in
I need some air
Nobody's been breathing
I need a thought
That I can believe in
Is this fog
Or is the building really burning

I need you now
Much more than ever
I'm making new friends
But none of them matter

Maybe now
We don't fit together
But you've got your arms around
No one but strangers

I feel fine with the sun in my eyes
The wind in my hair
When I'm falling out of this sky
I'm doing better than I thought I would
But nothing's ever as good
As when you're on top

I want to wake up
And just start running
Into a ditch
Or straight up a mountain
I want to get
Where no one's been gettin'
Make it deeper than hell
Or make it higher than heaven

I need someone whose price hasn't been met
When everybody's disappearing
By the minute
There isn't anyone left
I haven't met yet
Well I remember
When they hadn't gotten to you yet

I feel fine with the sun in my eyes
The wind in my hair
When I'm falling out of this sky
I'm doing better than I thought I would
But nothing's ever as good
As when you're on top

Half way up
And over this rainbow
I heard a shot
Fire up from the ghetto
As I drop
I didn't think you'd follow
Just didn't know
The sky was this shallow

I need a garden
Where nothing's forbidden
I need an apple
That no one's been eatin'
I want to start again
Back at the beginnin'
I had a vision
That this feeling maybe has an ending

I feel fine with the sun in my eyes
The wind in my hair
When I'm falling out of this sky
I'm doing better than I thought I would
But nothing's ever as good
As when you're on top

Sunday, October 03, 2004

A Haiku for Yu

tired and hungry.
slept through my study session.
"get a life" backfires.

If this is any indication of the outcome of my "get a boyfriend" initiative (currently dormant), I'm joining a convent.