Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I celebrated my birthday by doing the things I wanna do.

I took a train (and BART, which is like light rail, but not as cool as a proper train) to the city and met a friend there, and we went to a farmers market, walked to Pier 39 and watched the sea lions lounge for a while (they are so legit!!) then we walked to Ghirardelli square and took a cable car down to Union Square and I rode by hanging off the side (safety be darned!!), and I got a c.d. at Virgin. I went home and ordered a vest from Gap in the color and size I wanted (which they didn't have in the store when we were shopping that day). I also bought a super cute new outfit, white I have meted out over the week (ooh separates and coordinates!)

Then Greg and I drove to the beach to watch the sunset and eat mexican food. It was totally cloudy, so we just shivered and watched the grey waves roll in and ate our warm burritos (behind the clouds, we believe the sun was actually setting). And I ended the day in the usual manner, shedding a few tears for my grandma whom I seem to miss more every day. And I don't know what to do about it except let it happen and be thankful that greg gives hugs freely.

Friday, July 11, 2008

furry, furry much

"lindy you're making our engineering department girly!!"

so this is the thanks I get for ordering new label maker tape??

... in metallic blue?

Monday, July 07, 2008

all day and all night

I am 1.75 wimps. Compressed wimps. A zip file of wimps downloaded into my cowering little heart. But I did give blood tonight so at least I have a soul.