Thursday, December 20, 2007

p.s. pictures

I ain't got no baby pictures, this is the best I can do

from our disco invite:
me and danielle lookin hot

me and my date (we matched.... radical) and, of course, my little

thomas and i at home. photobooth on mac is the most pointless/awesome application in the land.

set out running

wow. lack of posting.

#1: my gma passed away, I don't like to talk about but am in a lot of pain. I thought about her every day (I lived with her this summer part of the time) and still do. If everybody experiences 'cramps' differently (some girls have back pain, e.g.) then i think mourning can be the same.

#2: a few days ago i was thinking i had some magical power over men. example 1: i'm watching a movie with a friend at his house and say, "I'm cold can I go get a blanket?" and then - he jumps up and gets me one! whoa. example 2: I'm at home making lunch for greg (i.e. heating up the goodies people bring over) and i say, "do you want sour cream on your tortilla soup?" and he offers to get it from the fridge (even though I am right next to the fridge). so either guys are growing more and more decent, or they fear me and my wrath? who knows.

#3: but #2 isn't true. at least, I have no further evidence.

#4: no good deed goes unpunished. I get in greg's audi today to visit kristin and do some christmas shopping. So before I get on the freeway I stop at a gas station to fill up. There's a guy at the pump in front of me (like when 2 are on the same island) so I don't freak him out by getting as close to him as I can, and have to pull the hose sort of awkwardly to get it to fit in the gas hole. And I fill up the gas tank - all the way. not the 'so it looks full' all the way - i mean until it clicks. Then I get back in the car, and it won't start. and i check the gas tank, still won't start. i call aaa and they come see me, say it's a battery problem. I'm cold and i say 'ok give me a new one'. They install a new one, but I take the car home just to be safe (I called kristin and cancelled). I get home. Try to start the car again - it won't start. I call aaa again, say, 'i called earlier someone needs to come check if they installed it correctly because it won't start again'. another guy comes, tells me it's a fuel pump problem and I need to take it in now while it's running (he made it start) so I call our mechanic, who doesn't work on audis, who recommends someone else. we take the car over (greg drove, too, so I could get home) and leave it there. So I wonder... a fuel pump problem... did I cause it by filling up the tank and not getting too close to the other car and end up stretching the hose awkwardly?

who can say... but we're one car down and the purple van doesn't go above 40 m.p.h. (transmission), and none of the bikes here have baskets. I'd install one but the boys insist that they're too 'gay'. not true. they're too AWESOME.