Friday, July 28, 2006

choux pastry heart

classes are DONE. now i just wait for grades.

we went to santa cruz (summer staff). i got a new swimsuit before i went and rocked it while i boogie boarded my way to celebrity. seriously, i caught some GNARLY waves that, all things considered, where pretty BODACIOUS. not gonna lie, though, there were some RIGHTEOUS babes on the beach. and... umm.... TUBULAR (just for good measure).

now i'm gonna shower all the salt and grime off me. it was worth it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

thin line

something tells me greg wrote this email... it came from my dad's email account after I asked him to tell me how to turn on/off the pump/pool sweep/water slide

So you want to be popular with your so-called friends? You want to invite them over for a party and then suck down the old man's wine and Beer? Well, sorry bucko, we've contacted the Atherton Police and are having them patrol the house with strict orders--no activity allowed!

Anyway, if the pumps shut off in the middle of your "party",
and he goes on to tell me about the order of which switches, etc.

it brought a smile to my face and doubt in my mind. greg or thomas is now his scribe?

Monday, July 24, 2006

full circle

so castilleja has this newsletter/catalog of all its happenings and in the back is the alumni news. and our class secretary (poor girl) harangues us for a little blurb to put for ourselves. for example, l t-l's was that she "has decided to double major in Spanish and sociology, and is active in local chapters of NOW and the ACLU in Chicago."

Which made me wonder- what was mine? Had I even sent one in? I thought so because I am somewhat responsible, but I couldn't remember what I'd said. I scanned for my name and this is what I found: LINDY LIGGETT temporarily suspended all school work to perfect her crocodile costume for a pirate party as the crocodile that ate Captain Hook's hand.

At which point I thought, That was probably *exactly* what I was doing when I received the "send-me-your-blurb" email.

And now that it is overwhelmingly appropriate: JAWSOME.

Monday, July 17, 2006

kitty alexander

Mom: "Lin have you given any thought to what raincoat you want?" [for Scotland]
Lindy: "No, not really. I mean to me it doesn't make sense to get one when it's just more to carry and I'm not sure what kind I'll want, you know? Do you think it's important that I get one before I leave?"
Mom: "Yeah, well that makes sense for a wintercoat, but I think it's safe to get a raincoat here."
Lindy: "Those are different things?"

somebody get this girl out of california!!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

but you like the taste of danger / it shines like sugar on your lips

things i was afraid they wouldn't have in scotland but have recently been told they do have:
1. firemen
2. peanut butter
3. iced tea
4. the english language

things i'm afraid they won't have in scotland:
1. string cheese
2. the comprehensible english language
3. people who will be friends with me
4. sunshine

Sunday, July 02, 2006

remember me

if you'll excuse me for a little while i'm going to drown. but i'll be back up for air in about four weeks when my summer classes end. but for now, excuse the absense/lack of posting.

and now back to math